A white person who owns/owned a cat with one blue and one green eye.
Ethan: Hiya Steven, how about we hang out at my suburbian house for a couple hours and later go skiing?
Steven: Sounds like a swell plan to me!
Ethan: Yeah! And we can bring my cat with one blue and one green eye as well!
Steven: oh you magic mexican you.
by Savannah s. October 23, 2008
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1. A score of 69 in sports.

2. The 6-9 combination in pool, particularly 9-ball.

3. 69
1. What's the score?
I got the magic number

2. One way to win the rack: the magic number. The 9 is hanging in the pocket.
by Stop the pendulum January 9, 2006
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A fictional show that's been around for awhile. The show is basically about a teacher with hair at least 10 feet and students that practically live on a magical school bus. What I mean is that the kids and the teacher Mrs.Frizzle only stay in the classroom for like 30 seconds and then they leave on the bus. They usually go in people, plants, etc. It's kinda like my bus with their conversations.
by OofBanana January 4, 2019
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The moment where while having a conversation a certain words or topic you are talking about is said or appears on the TV.
Kaitlyn: I feel like having some buttered popcorn right now
Aaron: Ok ill go make you some

TV: Introducing Orville Redenbacher's New Super Butter Flavor Popcorn!!

Aaron: Dayyyyyumm
Kaitlyn: What??
Aaron: I just had a TV magic moment
by akararules June 26, 2010
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Blue Magic - brand name for 100% pure cocaine created by Frank Lucas throughout the 60's and 70's. He was the first to sell 100% pure cocaine for half the price of cut cocaine. "Cut" being another way of saying diluted. He named it Blue Magic because it was like magic, at least to the addicts that used it because it was pure or uncut. It did things that "cut" cocaine couldn't and no else dared to sell pure.

Blue Magic - song written by Jay-Z for American Gangsta Soundtrack

Blue Magic is a brand name for hair grease, use mostly by blacks for the conditioning of their hair or also referred to as hair conditioner.
Blue Magic was the No.# 1 drug preferred then by all addicts

The name for one of Jay-Z's best works. Only if you are a fan.

Hair grease, not exactly one of the best types of hair greases to use. Some real tacky stuff.
by fabulousjai June 22, 2009
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