When you cum in your girlfriends pussy after less than a minute and don’t realize
Person: Damn, Jared just gave her the 55 special again

Me: classic Jared Berman
by Jared Berman June 27, 2019
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An alcoholic concoction featuring a fifth of Taaka vodka and 2 sugar-free Red Bulls. First known origins found in Isla Vista.
“Hey Johnny, can I get a rip of that Mahalo Special?”
“Of fucking course dude! TEEHOO MAHALO!”
by Jug Master March 23, 2021
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When you sniff a line of cat followed by a line of ket, which is arranged parallel to the cat, in one fluid movement incorporating a u-turn between the two lines.
Charlie: Rack me up a Gribbin Special, it's been a while.

Tom: No worries brotha, I'll get that set up in no time
by Brotha Desmond November 19, 2013
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when a woman excretes diarrhea onto your penis while you are having sex with her without realizing it.
guy 1: Bro I was having sex with that girl again and she gave me a Radke Special.
guy 2: Oh gross dude!
by TheKing18 October 7, 2011
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A person who is chill and well known during the day, normally at school or an activity, but as the sun sets and night comes, no one knows where they go. Everyone wants to party and get drunk with them but it does not work out
Sam: Hey Girl, your so funny in school we should totes hang out later.
Sunrise Special: Yeah we should!
(two hours later)
Sam: (texts Sunrise Special) Wanna hang?
...no response
by Canyouchillmofo April 17, 2010
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Where disabled students are treated like 4 year olds, usually turning them into complete idiots who can't do shit.
Dude 1: I was in special ed in high school for being just a little retarded.
Dude 2: So that's why you say stupid shit all the time.
by Crapfeces October 9, 2022
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To crush someone's head in a Vice. Often used by the Mafia in Interrogations, and by Guards in the Disciplining (often fatal) of Prisoners. It's origins come from the old Las Vegas where it became a trademark of Anthony "Tony the Ant" Spilotro. It would be featured prominently in the movie "Casino".
Tony Spilotro: "...Listen to me Dogs. I got your head in a fuckin' vise. I'll squash your head like a fuckin' grapefruit if you don't give me a name. Don't make me have to do this, please. Don't make me be a bad guy, come on.

'Dogs: Fuck you.
Tony Spilotro: This motherfucker, you believe this? Two fucking days and nights!

Fuck me? *Fuck me?* You motherfucker!

turnsthe crank

Tony Spilotro: Fuck my mother? That's what you fucking tell me? You motherfucker you!

Turns the crank some more, bone crush sounds, eye pops out!

Prison Guard of Nevada Men's Facility at Lockwood, to Inmate that's gone all ornery: "...Boyah,... either you get this cell all cleanerd' up, or yer' goin' to d' Sugar Shack for a Spilotro Special!
by Dreaded88 June 7, 2017
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