The British Slang term for One Pound Sterling, typically used by brits who browse reddit for a living.
Jack: "Oi mate mind paypalling me 8 quid why don't ye?"
Enzo: "Fuck off ye wank stain I need to feed me kids."
by Lobster Jesus December 1, 2020
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When you shag someone for around half a second, the equivalent of paying a London prostitute £1 for a shag
"What the fuck was that? Don't try and give me a quid!"
by Haha yeah man January 13, 2018
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Person 1: yo did you hear that isaiah can’t grow a beard
Person 2: what a quid
by Quidquid0117 March 29, 2022
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The best friends anyone could ask for. If you ever find yourself you should consider yourself the luckiest person on earth.
Person one: I think I just found a Quid
Person two: Wow you’re so lucky
by Comfirm_email December 5, 2018
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Innit, some ting dem bi'ish folk say mate which means a dollar wheyyy, a true geeza say it on da dayly mate, Imma go to da pub and get some fish'n'chips mate wheyyy.
Ser William Dinkelschoppel: "Hello my kind sir, would you kindly get me a plate of fish'n'chips please."

Bartender Stewart-Danielson of House Richstern: "That I shall do for, the paultry sum of, 3 Quid, please."
by Quid, British, mandem. November 15, 2022
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being a cool goat
"damn dude, you're totally a quid."

by quiddo May 31, 2022
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A person who doesn’t let get a say in the matter.
Jeremy: “Audrey was mad at me for going to the movies without her.”
Drew: “Didn’t she remember you asked her last week?”
Jeremy: “I tried to tell her but she was being a quid.”
by Cūrtłē April 27, 2018
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