a cool way of saying/typing lil or little
that’s my lul baby
by christravissbitch September 3, 2021
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LuL is a German version of LOL you can also use "lel" for example.
"You are a real weet lul"

"Your Mom is your father lul"

Or you can use it as an short awnser :

A: "My hamster died Yesterday"
B: "lul"
by Dr_Fuze July 25, 2019
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1. Every person's safety. Makes sure her loved ones are happy and pleased before even thinking about her self. Not submissive but does her best to satisfy most while also not leaving her needs.

2. Independent, beautiful, strong, loving and communicative. This is sometimes comfused as argumentative.

3. Admirable taste in men.
1.She is such a lul.
2.One must consider one's self lucky when one gets a child with a lul of a heart.
3.He has such an angelic lul character.
by reinadecorazones November 22, 2021
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the origin is of the muskrat mix, so for example when you have an australian muskrat (lol), and an Austrian muskrat (lul), you mix them together to get a hybrid muskrat, which is funnier than both original version of the muskrat. Pretty simple definition in my opinion to be honest.
the muskrat said lul
by dumbfriedcanerat June 24, 2020
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"laughing usually loudly" more scuffed version of "LOL".
Person 1: "I'm a feminist."
Persion 2: "LUL"
by Blacked_by_Trihard May 22, 2018
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It means dick you guys... ya. I’ve been using it wrong too...
Person 1: lul! That’s so funny!!
Person 2: Dude you know what that means right!😂
by Peenie butter March 29, 2019
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To laugh unusually loud
Kevin tripped over his own feet lul
by STATICJEANS April 6, 2022
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