When someone is talking shit and they continue to run their mouth, and you beat the shit out of them and make them eat shit.
Guy 1: "Man's you're such a pussy"
Guy 2: Beats the shit out of guy 1 then makes guy 1 eat shit. Then Guy 2 says "Talk Shit, Eat Shit.
by crosk December 5, 2011
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1. You're a bitch and not worth my time. Usually in response to an unreasonable request.
Man 1: Can you do my paper for me?
Man 2: Eat shit and bark at the moon.
by candorsmayhem October 12, 2007
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This quote is often used when telling someone off...
Basically, your calling them a dog.
by That Crazy Fat Girl December 20, 2016
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This is the number you write on a piece of paper and hand to someone who doesn't agree with you or something you are doing.
A popular bumper sticker says "Don't like my driving?"
Dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT
by shomesomethin July 12, 2010
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a look someone gives with you when they have a great deal of hate for you... a way to tell someone to fuck off with out having to say a word
Did you see when my ex boyfriend came in? he gave me a total eat shit and die look

wendy just gave me an eat shit and die look. i didn't do anything to her
by losingthewar July 5, 2005
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This is the oringal term that later evolved into just eat shit and die. If you have someone and you want to tell them do die is a painfull manor. You could tell them to eat shit and die slow.
I told my boss to eat shit and die slow.
by b from the bay December 20, 2005
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An insult spoken to anyone who's done something bad to you or insists on wasting your time after you've asked them not to.
After Ron took my sister on a first date he told me she was a little fat and didn't have much of a personality. I told him to eat shit and bark at the moon and never go near her again.
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