this is a person who hates the goverment and tends to be violent and also may have several felonies. they stay true to the anarchist belives and the punk life style. they also listen to bands such as Anti-flag, Black-flag ,and other anarchist bands. they wear anarchist symbols on there clothing. some may even have the symbol tattooed or branded on there bodies. there wear alot of black and always have a bandana which is also black but not always. they could careless how they look in the eyes of others since there main focuse is anarchy. They tend to hate scene kid and preps because of there love of themselves and how they only care about themsevles and no one else.this is one thing anarcho-punks hate because they feel that everyone should help each other and care about the great good. they get along with most people because they are always tring to help people, but if the don't like you they will let you know and more than likely kick your ass. they also attend protest and black bloc and are part of some kind of anarchist group. they also spray paint walls with poltical propaganda and the anarchist symbol. also they know alot about bombs and home made weapons. there attuide is laid back at times ,but almost always they are lookin for a way to help the anarchist cause. they love chaos but they also help people in need and try to help people in there area. they feel that the goverment is hurting everyone and destroying lives. they see the goverment as the enemy also called the state. they are strongly against the miltary because of it's rules and forced combat.
Anti-Flag is a good example of anarcho-punk
Joseph Déjacque was an early anarchist communist and the first person to describe himself as "libertarian
Rudolf Rocker was a leading early anarcho-syndicalist thinker who outlined a view of the origins of the movement
Mutualist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was the first self-described anarchist.
by ghost704blackbloc December 19, 2007
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An anarchist theory involving destruction of all government and that all people are paid equally and all land is publicly owned. Anarcho-communism is either far-left or far-right on the political spectrum.
Anarcho-communism would be the best thing the United States has ever experienced.
by fruitflydaddy December 11, 2017
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Anarcho-Scientism, also Anarcho-Scientificism, is a scientific ideology and theory that advocates science is free and anyone can make science and follow free-method. Anarcho-scientism advocates epistemological anarchism as the base of its theory and advocates the academia and the universities should be anarchized and open to anyone graduate easily and make science easily.
"Anarcho-scientism shows well how would science work in a libertarian left society, mainly in an anarcho-communist society."

"Anarcho-scientism is what the left needs to counter scientific centrism, psychiatrizationism and other consequences of neoliberalism inside science itself."
by Full Monteirism January 23, 2021
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Being an assfuck to shitty management and getting fired because you know the business wasn't worth your time in the first place, or being a diehard for a good business because we all know how rare a decent workplace is.
Anarcho-Capitalism: Ancap is 'murican as fuck!!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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A democratic system where people vote on how resources are used. There are no property rights, and attempting to hold property or own it is severely punished by the ruling committee elected by the populus

. Anarcho-syndicalists often pretend to represent individualism, but it is clear the property rights are essential to be tolerated and independent of your community. Because of this, anarcho-syndicalism is indistinguishable from anarcho-communism.

Anarcho-syndicalists intend to accomplish their goals by using force and coercion using a state structure to conquer what they consider to be "private tyrannies." After accomplishing democratic socialism, these anarcho-syndicalists expect the state to somehow dissolve and for anarcho-syndicalism to form.

Anarcho-syndicalism relies on committees that work with workers to produce goods. No currency is used, and so there is no way to accurately measure value or support a supply and demand system to support a materialistic culture. These committees act like a government, where they administer justice and enforce laws.

Anarcho-syndicalists claim that the use of coercion through their committee structure, their establishment of temporary leaders through democracy, and non-tolerance of capitalist internal systems is somehow anarchy.
Regular Person: anarcho-syndicalism is truly statism.
Political Person: No. Go get educated and stop your straw man attacks. Anarcho-syndicalism is true freedom of the collective people form the tyranny of individual property rights and capitalism.
by other guy besides me May 14, 2016
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The belief that an Anarchistic Hardcore Punk band in their car should hit their bass player at any given circumstance.

Band gets into car,
Starts the car,
Starts driving,
Holy shit I think we hit Ty!
That's some goddamn Anarcho-Hit-Tyism!
by The Advocates August 14, 2009
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a dictator is in has all the power, despite nobody having any power.
vincent: i support anarcho-fascism
justin: soo you want a government having all the control, despite nobody being in control
vincent: yes
by xelvibes December 16, 2022
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