Short for Anarcho-Capitalist. The 2 fundamental principals of Ancap philosophy are the non-aggression principal, (NAP) and (Voluntary) interactions between human beings, in all circumstances. Ancaps believe in free markets and the right to own property. The most fundamental thing someone owns is their own body. Ancaps believe that governments are essentially large gangs that use their “monopoly on the use of force” to oppresss and control populations.
I’m an ancap because I like to let each individual choose how they live their lives and how they spend there money.
by Rogue Yogi April 19, 2019
Anarcho-Capitalism for short ancap, its the favorite economical system bring idolized by the groomers.
by theauthrightdude September 15, 2020
Short for anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-capitalist.
by jonomicon September 8, 2007
Dude stop being an ancap.
by Sanguine Pendulum August 19, 2020
Both annoying and funny.
Ancap is short for "anarcho-capitalist" which is the ideological laughing stock for most of the sane people out there.
Ancap is short for "anarcho-capitalist" which is the ideological laughing stock for most of the sane people out there.
- Did you see that ancap's comments on my post yesterday?
- Yeah! He's so dumb and annoying, ffs.
- Why doesn't he just go and buy some functioning brains for himself on his beloved free market?
- Yeah! He's so dumb and annoying, ffs.
- Why doesn't he just go and buy some functioning brains for himself on his beloved free market?
by ENTJ_ML August 4, 2017
anarcho-capitalists. pretty much libertarians. got to "government bad" in their political philosophy and tuckered out. too arrogantly individualistic and myopic to recognize how inherently unnatural a market economy is. never did enough research to learn the difference between market and economy. no familiarity with anthropology or human evolution and group dynamics, how the brain evolved to track a complex system of more nuanced social reciprocity.
by halfabrain July 20, 2022
by Jah_ounce October 8, 2020