11 definitions by Naukloster

From what I understand, it's a primitive symbol that communicates a ton of meaning. Can be interpreted in many ways. A reflection of the onlooker. Usually channeled unconsciously.
That sigil is badass. It looks like the big bang, or it looks satanic, or it looks christian, or I dunno it just looks like a lot of shit..
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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Basically wearing the black sheep within your heart on your sleeve. If anyone has a problem with that they can go pound sand. Usually tattooed on a visible part of your body so it's visible to everyone. Long hair serves the same purpose.
Chase: I'm either crossbound or crossbound for life bitch!!

Literal meaning: I'm either gonna piss enough normal people off that they decide to kill me or I'm gonna piss enough normal people off that they learn a lesson or two!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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Home-made black powder guns that work similar to muskets. Completely legal unloaded.

Also known as a "biper".
Gemmino: Everybody in the United States of America should have a liberty gun.

Chase: Bop 'em in the head and dip the biper out the winder!!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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Being an assfuck to shitty management and getting fired because you know the business wasn't worth your time in the first place, or being a diehard for a good business because we all know how rare a decent workplace is.
Anarcho-Capitalism: Ancap is 'murican as fuck!!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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Using the pathological male brain as a defense in order to defend from an attacker. Usually a good thing to do if you know the attacker is just a friend who is heated in the moment and you feel a fight is more or less unproductive. Also can be done through yelling at each other first then talking things out afterwards.
Cody: *stab*

Chase: *emotionally touches cody through tone of voice to trigger extreme love from cody which is a symptom of borderline personality disorder* *grabs knife while caught off guard* I just diffused.
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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Endearing term used for your favorite pathological male brained friend who's woke as fuck.
Chase: Will is my favorite FOOKIN MANIAC!!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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A vehicle similar to a "burn" (car that attracts a lot of attention from the police) but is done in a very artistic, scummy, "clownish" way. American blasphemy.
Chase: Look at this zik azz koffin.. watch you get pulled over and waste the cop's time by having such a piece of shit ride he'll probably strip the frame out thinking you're carrying weight. LMAO
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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