When a female counter-part gets her feces all over a man's ding dong after doing it up the butt, they engage in hot oral sex
Hey, kathleen, since we just had butt-sex and poop is all over my dick lets shitty wok and get it all in your mouth!
by TheSexyLosers August 18, 2011
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When the intake of your lunch causes a greater output.
Since I started my Joy Wok Diet I'm on my third trip to the restroom today.
by DTempo February 18, 2015
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A wonky eyed bitch that uses people and is fucking ugly.Probably a gin jockey to boot.Thinks nothing of using up people for her own gain.Comes from a long line of deadshits and junkie cunts.Plenty of these live in Australia :)
Is that old mates ex over there?Yeah that's her the wok eyed trog :)
by Ragnar Loddbrok October 22, 2016
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A rough chinese translation for the term 'e-mail'.
Changchang: Hey Tingtong, did you get my Chock a wok a wing wong?
Tingtong: you mean the one of the monkey pissing in its mouth?
Changchang: yeah
Tingtong: No, didn't get it.
by Catmanjew December 1, 2009
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1.) What O'niell does in his spair time

2.) Jerking off to feel good
"What the hell is takeing O'niell so long in that bathroom !"

" He is having trouble finding his small Master Wok"
by Greg Romano November 28, 2004
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