When you take your erect penis and smack a female in the face with it before being felicitated.
I gave that bitch mexican whiplash and she got a black eye.
by tristan cone March 1, 2020
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When something happens in a specific season in a series that you watch that happens so fast, you can't process it right away and it's a pain to connect the dots.
Person 1: Did you see that season of (insert your favorite series here)? Man, it gave me season whiplash.
Person 2: Same. The entire season was rushed. I got a headache just trying to understand it all.
by BittersweetGirl October 3, 2018
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A playlist where all of the listener's songs are placed in, regardless of mood, energy, or vibe, resulting in intense mood switches between songs, aka whiplash.
"I don't think about where my songs go, I've got a single whiplash playlist for all of them."
by DARUU August 20, 2023
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Person 1: Yo, what's up with Tim and his air drums?
Person 2: Oh, he's just whiplashed out of his mind
by Jacobo Graneros July 5, 2018
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A person that always plays the drums withouth drumsticks to look cool, and looks at the movie Whiplash at least 20 times a week with different people each time. They also try to master Caravan, but fails because they suck.
Not Whiplash fan: Can you hand me that book?
Whiplash fan: Fuck off, Johnny Utah, turn my pages bitch!
by Fletcher#fuckpigh April 4, 2017
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The shock you feel when you mistakenly turn the shower temperature down, causing you to immediately whip the handle too far in the opposite direction, thus freezing you to a popsicle and then boiling you alive in the matter of a split second.
That shower whiplash had me streaking through the house... Now I have to explain things to my mother.
by ThrillingHeroics December 7, 2017
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Social Whiplash:


1) Having multiple different interactions rapidly


2) Having multiple different interactions rapidly and great periods of loneliness
The social whiplash I experienced after attending several meetings was extreme.

Jumping from person to person in my messages caused me to have social whiplash.
by Panpandasan January 20, 2022
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