
The Backbone of a musical group or band. Drummers keep the tempo of a group because in most other cases guitarists simply cannot. Although the drums do attract many girls, and are often described as being a chick magnet, they also play an important role in a band. Drums are an instrument that looks easy to play, but to ACTUALLY play them properly takes lots of practice. Saying this... drums are the ONLY instrument you can have fun with even before you know what you’re doing.

The stupidest thing I have ever heard from a guitarist was "at least you don’t have to tune your instrument" which is FALSE. In fact, we have 10x more tuning then guitarists do. Each drum head has to be tuned separately, top and bottom. Not only this, but cymbals must also be tightened to get the sound you want, whether you want them to sound like a CRASH sound or a crash with a long decay.

In short:

Drums > Every Other Instrument
Wow, that guy plays the Drums like a pro!
by Sabjian3786 August 20, 2006
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An loud sounding instrument, that I play. Oh, and no, you don't have to be a guy looking for chicks to play.

Thought it looks easy to play, it much harder than it looks. In order to play, you must move your hands, and feet to different speeds.

You right foot(normally) hits a petal that hits the biggest drum, called the "bass drum". This drum is mainly the beat drum, very steady.

Your left foot hits the cymbals whenever needed. Your hands then hit the other remaining drums.

A drum wonderful, if somewhat expensive to buy thing. Meaning, a lot of the time, drummers are needed.

They can also get you kicked out of apartments, so be careful.

(Person living under you)
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Well, drums are the shit! I strongly agree with myself.. it would be odd if i didnt..but yeah drums are cool Funny fact is is that most guitarists want to play drums and most drummers wanna try guitar!
Wow, you know that michelle girl.. she plays awsome on the "drums"
by Michelle January 4, 2005
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The Backbone of a musical group or band. Drummers keep the tempo of a group because in most other cases guitarists simply cannot. Although the drums do attract many girls, and are often described as being a chick magnet, they also play an important role in a band. Drums are an instrument that looks easy to play, but to ACTUALLY play them properly takes lots of practice. Saying this... drums are the ONLY instrument you can have fun with even before you know what you’re doing.

The stupidest thing I have ever heard from a guitarist was "at least you don’t have to tune your instrument" which is FALSE. In fact, we have 10x more tuning then guitarists do. Each drum head has to be tuned separately, top and bottom. Not only this, but cymbals must also be tightened to get the sound you want, whether you want them to sound like a CRASH sound or a crash with a long decay.

In short:

Drums > Every Other Instrument
Wow, that guy plays the Drums like a pro!
by Sabjian3786 August 21, 2006
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world's best instrument apart from maybe timpani (which are a kind of drums) oh yeah
she can really play the drums!
by animal (the drummer girl) June 22, 2005
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The most difficult instrument to play. On average a drummer is playing at least four individual instruments at once. Drummers supposedly get the most chicks, but I have not yet seen this (I am a drummer).

Individual drums include the high-hat, snare, bass, floor tom, tenor tom, alto tom, ride cymbal, crash cymbal, splash cymbal, and the china cymbal. There are many others which I won't list (it would take 10 pages).
Lars Ulrich
Flo Mounier
Jaska Raatikainen
Chad Smith
These are all awesome drummers.

Man, that dude plays drums! He must be a god.
by Zombayz October 10, 2006
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neil peart....he has a drumset
Neil Peart is the drummer of rush, a very good band
by Aj February 17, 2005
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