Term for a female of the non-white persuasion with a penchant for white males. Could also be extented to non-heterosexual interractions.
Man shepherd's pie influenza is spreading around Richmond like the plague.
by currylicious September 28, 2010
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When someone has a not so clean asshole and the "boing" you, leaving hershey kisses down the front of your shirt.
Damn dude, Zac got the dirty shepherd the other day, that shit was hilarious!
by BuckeyeGuy April 16, 2009
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This day is on April 23rd

P1: hey did you know that today is National Derek Shepherd day
P2: why today?
by Greys anatomy queen November 21, 2020
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the best person you will ever meet he has an amazing sence of humor every one loves him
he's a rite joseph leslie owen shepherd
by CodedDragonZ May 9, 2016
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Good Shepherd, more like Great Shepherd. jokes. A cheap ass private school located in Dallas, TX, where the guys are jerks and won't make any effort to hang out with the girls because they are "weird" and will just hang out with girls at other schools. Such as the Hockahoes, and the girls that are getting and Education of Sex and Drugs. The girls think they are all that and try to be someone they aren't, but in reality, no one knows who they are. The graduates usually feed into Ursuline and Jesuit as well as all of the catholic schools in Dallas. There high school descitions explain there lack of knowledge and the effort they actually put into school work. They ones who actually think for themselves and don't go where everyone else goes, end up at better schools like St. Marks, Hockaday, ESD, Greenhill, and Parish. Good Shepherd has poor athletics and acedemics which is why no one goes there. These kids have no interaction with other schools which make them pretty unknown. These kids aren't ready for high school. They need to squeeze they way into the outer world somehow. This school is mixed with rich and poor. The rich disguise themselves an the poor are obsessed with there richness (I can think of a few examples). good shepherd is free of bullies, but full of cliques. no one judges forgets judged. everyone stays in there circle. Gshep needs one big wake up call and they all need to realize that they are butchering there social life by going to that hell hole.
kid from big private school: what school do you go to?

gshep kid: Good Shepherd Episcopal School

kid from big private school: what the hell is that

kid from catholic school: i know people who who there

gshep kid: figures
by hint... not currently at gshep November 27, 2017
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The Peoples Republic Of Shepherds Bush (TPROSB) is for a reveloution for shepherds bush to be govered as its own country by its own working class people seprated from britain with a wall around shepherds bush
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