V. 1. the act of sexual intercourse, usually with a very filthy intent
Person 1: "Ohhhh, BoA... you would plug?"
by Ross Yamamoto December 22, 2004
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Receiving more than was paid for or a "hook up".
He plugged us, a dub for 15.
by Chris Grey December 26, 2005
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somthing good, or a hook up on somthin
Dude, Kareem gave me the plug on beer last night.

Dude, no test today? Thats a plug
by Golzy June 2, 2004
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In the Uk one might use the word plugged either to explain someone else's actions or after physically stabbing someone themself with a sharp object such as a knife or broken bottle.

Another term used for plugged is of a sexual nature when a male has sexual intercourse with another person male or female usually anally also can include the use of sex toys either on there own or with another person of either sex such as a dildo or butt plug.
James bragged to his m8's about how he plugged (Stabbed) some guy down at the local boozer last night for chatting up his burd (girl friend)

John told his mates that sally was a right little dirty that she sucked his cock fingered her self and afterwards he plugged her arse with a huge dildo
by Mick210 September 4, 2007
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1. worthless

2. to shoot someone, especially to death

3. positive publicity

4. to give positive publicity

5. to copulate
Your pet is totally plug.
by The Return of Light Joker March 28, 2010
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To have your asshole reamed full with a cock, fist, gerbil, dildo.
"My ass is sore after a good quality plugging, but after squeling like a pig, it sure feels like all that is holy."
by Bart June 5, 2003
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1. A term used to express excitement when you are deemed with a good situation
2. often known as a butt plug used for sex play (between ian and gina)
3. used in the term Plug me when you want to get something such as marijuana
1. Family Lawyer: Your old grandmother whom you never liked just passed away a violent death of fighting aids, you will now recieve her 34 million dollar estate.
Josh Fricano: PLUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Ian: So Gina, I'm feeling quite adventurous this evening, would you like to stick this butt plug in my rectum?
Gina: I'd love to Ian, please let me!
Ian:(another example to #1)PLUG!!!!!
3. McSoccer: you got that bag(in referring to an ounce of marijuana)?
Sheed: Plug me, yeah i do.
McSoccer: real fuckin' plug.
by cunt boy March 22, 2007
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