1. A videogame nerd's wet dream because It has fucking dragons... and... people expect it to be as good as Oblivion. yeah.
2. The kind of game that will ruin people's lives by drawing them in with pretty landscapes, enticing them with streamlined gameplay, and addicting them with a massive ammount of content untill the videogame life supplants the real world life. Untill released, the trailer for Skyrim will be viewed with the same intensity as pornography.
3. See nerdgasm.
Did you see the new screenshots for the elder scrolls V: Skyrim ?

by insomniaSTRICKENinVERMONT February 13, 2011
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Actually written before the Revolution, by the Okhrana or secret police of the old Tsarist regime, round about the year 1900. Popularised by the later Communist leadership, the Nazis and others. Up there with the environmentalist "Chief Seattle" speech, the volley of excuses for the 2003 war in Iraq, Piltdown Man and the Donation of Constantine as one of the great fakes of history.
If you are suffering from insomnia, might I recommend you read this copy of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?
by Fearman June 16, 2007
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A book published by the KGB to encourage violence and encite hatred of Jews. Supposedly describes the world-dominating plans of the Zionist Shadow Government. Probably helped the Holocaust and still used by Neo-Nazis and militant Muslims to justify ant-Semitic violence.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a fake.
by LorgSkyegon November 22, 2004
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A letdown. Is there anything else to say. Honestly it was sad everyone thought it was skyrim online but Todd Howard was probably high. Really disappointing. I hope Morrowind Online redeems Bethesda Studios
Dylan:The Elder Scrolls Online let me down
Ryan ( with 2 n's): yeah morrowind better be good or I'll drink nail polish remover
by Dylaniscrippled November 12, 2017
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A Game where one compares specific peoples worth to that of potatoes. An individual must choose to never see that person again, and have any kind of potato, or choose that person and never get to eat any potatoes ever again.
Shelly: Okay, "Kevin R. Elder's People Vs. Potatoes", do you pick potatoes or my mother?

Kevin: Potatoes.

Shelly: Okay, how about your mother?

Kevin: Potatoes.
by Kramerk September 15, 2009
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(Ey-land ell-der)
Island elder is another word for a jerk/bully
Person 1: That guy is an Island elder
Person 2: Uh oh I hope he doesn’t notice us
by Bartwilleatbadorkbee August 18, 2022
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