A dusty world of alien experiences, among the Dark Elves...where tiresome irritants like friends, family, and reality are hardly even relevant. A true Morrowind player will ignore pests like spouses and parents, who do not understand who vital it is to be named the Nerevarine!
by Curt Sibling December 18, 2007
A game that is truly amazing for its scope and things that you can do; a game that you invest three years of your time in and beat Dagoth Ur, become head of the Imperial Legion, Fighter's Guild, House Hlaalu, and East Empire Company, beat the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansion; a game where all of that means your just getting started; and a game that had its entire memory erased along with every other game when my xbox crashed.
Morrowind is one of my favorite games of all time, but I will never play it again because my level 60 character that took three years to build was defeated by technical difficulties with my xbox.
Morrowind did not consume my life, as I was able to maintain good grades and stay involved with sports, but much of my spare time was spent playing it.
I miss Morrowind.
Morrowind did not consume my life, as I was able to maintain good grades and stay involved with sports, but much of my spare time was spent playing it.
I miss Morrowind.
by chadbrochill18 February 25, 2008
A highly advanced and very effective time travel program. After you turn on Morrowind and play for "a few minutes" you will find yourself magically transported anywhere from 10 hours to 3 days into the future
Normal Person: Hey man, where have you been? You haven't been to class in a few days now...
Morrowind Addict: Can't talk, I just played Morrowind for two days straight and I really need to get some food and use the john.
Morrowind Addict: Can't talk, I just played Morrowind for two days straight and I really need to get some food and use the john.
by Relminator January 31, 2007
Morrowind, the addictive, real world destroying, imagination enhancing game mostly played by men. (Age ranging from 13-30) It is full of amazing items, creatures, people and plants to capture and completely destroy the human mind. (Orcs are too stupid to be affected.)
Playing Morrowind for more then five hours is dangerous and could become addictive, if such happens seek help immediately, if you are to busy leveling up your long blade and speech craft skills by taunting the guards then you are lost to the world and the world is lost to you.
Playing Morrowind for more then five hours is dangerous and could become addictive, if such happens seek help immediately, if you are to busy leveling up your long blade and speech craft skills by taunting the guards then you are lost to the world and the world is lost to you.
How to tell a Morrowind player from normal people:
Scenario: You are shopping at your local super market and you happen by strange looking young man with nothing but short pants and a shirt who is crouching slightly by the chips section of the super market you stare at him for a moment or two before he stands up looking confused and looks around at you before murmuring to himself. "I wondered why the sneak icon wouldn't come up..."
Scenario: You are shopping at your local super market and you happen by strange looking young man with nothing but short pants and a shirt who is crouching slightly by the chips section of the super market you stare at him for a moment or two before he stands up looking confused and looks around at you before murmuring to himself. "I wondered why the sneak icon wouldn't come up..."
by Scenic Dark June 6, 2006
morrowind is the third game in the elder scrolls series, and the fourth game is in development! best game ever, took over 100 hours of my life, but i'd do it all over again in an instant.
dude my final character was like a lvl 54 khajiit thief/assassin with a 100 acrobatics/short blade/security/light armor skill, and had SICK armor (savior's hide). oh what melanie? you want to have no strings attached sex? no i'm playing morrowind.
by filthypoosnatch December 15, 2004
Best RPG ever!!
Nice Mainquest, sidequests, and impoving-fever ^^
Really, Gothic is a joke compared to MW!
Nice Mainquest, sidequests, and impoving-fever ^^
Really, Gothic is a joke compared to MW!
Mom to son:"Well, how was your day?"
Son to Mom:"very good, I defeated dagoth ur finnaly and got Arch-mage in the mages guild of tamriel :D"
Mom to Son:"I mean, how was your day at SCHOOL!?"
Son to mom:"uhhhh... well... nice i suppose.."
Son to Mom:"very good, I defeated dagoth ur finnaly and got Arch-mage in the mages guild of tamriel :D"
Mom to Son:"I mean, how was your day at SCHOOL!?"
Son to mom:"uhhhh... well... nice i suppose.."
by Magecagebage June 12, 2005
Yeah, man. Let me hit you up on some Morrowind; after a few bouts with cliff-racers in the Ashlands, you'll be hittin' it with the lady-types in no time, my brother.
by Shatai November 15, 2004