Man that was so simple, I didn't see it or figured it out. What a DUE Dumb User Error!
by SDUE November 29, 2019
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A non-American male dude; a man who's nationality is other than North American or was born outside the United States. If the male is European, but was born in the United States, he is still considered a Due.
That European Due is so cool!
I didn't know you were from the Middle East man! Sorry Due!
by BatgirlHolmes June 13, 2018
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It literally says “you are two balls!” Meaning 2 people that are annoying.
Child:Io e mio fratello vogliamo il gelato!
Dad:Voi siete due palle eh
by The Italian-Romanian guy. August 1, 2023
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this is nothing but an escape clause in all legal proceedings so criminals have an absolute guaranteed way out of all crimes if they know how to work the system...with this technology and new age everything could be instant and this is why it's not. because no one would get away and criminals are ruling the can't start no business without lots of blood money. and cheap workers or slave workers who you don't have to pay. thats why little business new small business can't ever succeed legitimately
Due process and the court system so faulty every innocent person who try to go through all this would get lock up no matter how good they are. forever too
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Tbh I think it’s a gun tbh idk
Shut up before I hit u with da dues dues
by Big 40 September 8, 2022
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Noticeable moisture that typically collects between ones buttocks cheeks.
I noticed a lot of poo due in my shorts after my run this morning.
by Wis Wan November 14, 2018
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