Britian first is a far right organisation who wants to irradicate people who believe in islam. Any normal muslim will be described as scum of the earth by their members. They are lead by people who use the word of 'christ' to stop the evil power of everyday muslims and see them as threat to society. Just like isis they use religion in a negative way, I understand there is a great distinction between a terrorist organisation and a bunch of racsists, but I wouldn't be suprised if one of them tried to kill me after making this statement. An average supporter of wants to send all foreign people back to where they came from also known as africa as they are not very educated. They also like to cause a scene in your local b&m. Basically a bunch of fucking muppets hating on a minority.
Britain first is basically a group of racsists lead by batshit christians
by Mark.Nash June 11, 2020
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Used to be Great Britain, but now rubbish due to bending over backwards for idiots and being politically correct since the 80's
Where do you originate from? Rubbish Britain
by SirGreg June 12, 2021
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Britain's hyper nationalist right-wing party whose platform includes things like pushing immigrants out of the UK and pulling the UK out of the EU. In their words they are a more radical version of UKIP, veering far to the right on such issues as whether Muslims are people or not.
Officer: Sir, why are you harassing that Pakistani couple?
Officer: Sir, I'm going to need you to--
by Dangerously_Safe June 30, 2016
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In Great Britain they all have the bad teeth and believe in magic and fairies and Harry Potter bullshit.
by zbjrornak December 16, 2007
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A stupid British show where people humiliate themselves, not only in front of the large TV audience/British public, judges, but also about 500 people who will laugh cruelly at the poor old man who thinks he can sing, possibly reducing him to tears. Simon Cowell has this weird idea he's funny, Amanda Holden is just a bitch, and Piers Morgan tries desperatly to keep up with Simon Cowell- and fails. Its a life wrecker, and eats the soul of Saturday Prime-Time viewers.
Person 1: I was watching Britain's Got Talent last night!
Person 2: Fag.
by ISayRawr! April 24, 2010
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When someone says something that britain did that made it a strong country
Person 1: "You shouldn't have stole that."

Person 2: "put the great in britain."
by Willisnotmyrealname August 2, 2020
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Every year, on March 18, we celebrate Fuck Britain Day - a day in which we remember that the UK sucks ass and should be dissolved. Originating in Ireland, it has become popular in other countries such as the US and Australia.
"It's March 18, everyone! Happy Fuck Britain Day!"
by Frenchbread_2727 March 17, 2023
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