Alyssa is an amazing friend who'll make you smile no matter what she sometimes has a dark sense of humor but is really nice and shy and great at singing.
Boy 1: Have you seen Alyssa?
Boy 2: Yes Alyssa is making her friend laugh!
by Slayin_Bae_Pandas January 6, 2018
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The most amazing,beautiful,funny,talented and social girl you would ever meet. Hold her tight and never let her go. She is extremely pretty although she may not think it and is one of the best people you could ever meet. She could make you cry of laughter and is a truely special person. Her laugh will brighten your day. She deserves special treatment at all times
I wish my best friend was an Alyssa,she’s so amazing
by Zingy1864 February 16, 2018
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Alyssa is the one person who you would never forget. She is one of the nicest people in the world and will do anything to make sure the one she cares about are safe. If you need to cry, she is the one you go to. If you need to laugh, she is the one you go to. If you need to be hugged and cared for, she is the one you go to. Alyssa is beautiful inside out. She has plenty of guys chasing her but if she doesn't like many of them. So if Alyssa likes you make sure you never let her go or mess up because you will always regret it. She is truly amazing.
by Lagitiscool October 4, 2018
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Alyssa is a beautiful girl who no matter what contains a beautiful innocence. She is a ride or die and someone you want in your corner. You’ll always catch her laughing and is a very passionate person. At times she is bitchy and stubborn but that’s what makes people like her. She is also a freak when she needs to be and will hop on the dick when asked to.
by mayaspadazle May 27, 2018
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An amazing person who will do anything to make her friends and others happy. She is sometimes annoying, but most of the time shes laughing... at her own jokes with her annoying laugh. This is the type or person you want to be friends with.
"OMG. what happened when the duck crossed the street? It got eaten by a racoon! hahahahaha."
"Omg! your soo alyssa!!!"
by katheirnee June 19, 2008
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Alyssa’s are smart, hardworking, and humble. An Alyssa is someone who NEVER gives up. She is a friend to all and everyone loves her. She is a once in a lifetime friend that you can’t find anywhere else. She is also very artistic. Alyssa’s can dance, play music, and sing. Alyssa is not one to gossip. She is determined to do the right thing ALL the time. When Alyssa walks in the room she puts a smile on everyone’s face. She finds everything funny and has a great sense of humor. Alyssa is always smiling with that beautiful smile. She has a personality like no other. Alyssa is a supportive friend who never bails on a friend when they need her the most. She is always there even if it means giving something up for herself. Alyssa is a hard one to forget. Alyssa’s are AMAZING.
Alyssa’s are AMAZING
An Alyssa is someone who NEVER gives up
Alyssa’s can dance
by Unicorns702 December 15, 2017
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The girl you can count on. The girl who will have your back no matter what you do. The girl who will give 110% every min of the day. The girl who Ti loves very much. The girl who will give her heart to the guy who gives her a chance and wont let go. The girl who is smoking hot and you don't want to get off of.
Brad: Ti how was your date with Alyssa. Ti: Dude I had the best night of my life she was sooo hot. Brad: Damn that good huh? Ti: Hell yea
by [Brad] January 20, 2009
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