The first beer after a long day of hard work.

Describes what is felt after drinking the first beer after a hard day of work.
-Dude you need to stop at the store....
*why? We're a block away from your house
-I need a shower in a bottle.


i love these showers in a bottle. Best time of the day
by Full Status August 26, 2011
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a gay man who shoves bottles up his ass
"ohh steve hes such a little bottle shover"
by Clitorasaur June 2, 2007
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Water that can be found for sale in grocery stores that is virtually indistinguishable from actual tap water.
I don't know why you waste your money on that bottled twater its the same thing.

My kid came home with a case of bottled twater so had to remind him how close he is to 18 years old and by the way he looked at me I don't think he knew what I was getting at.
by sillysilverswag January 14, 2018
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An event where a group of friends gather together to drink noncey beer. The event often entails food pairings, music pairings and/or visual pairings.
Please remember to bring the stilton and sourdough loaf to our Cantillon bottle share!
by BarrelAgedBadBoy September 30, 2020
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For my fellow Sheffielders this is a common phrase among those who like Henderson's Relish (let's face it if you don't like it, then you aren't a Sheffield lad or lass)
Bob: "passus bottle o'hendos will thy"
Jim' "Alreet, 'ere stick that on thy pie"
Bottle o' hendos = Bottle of Henderson's Relish
by Proper Sheffield lad July 31, 2021
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A deformed ass water bottle. Looks like those milk carton things where the top is curved.
Also can be used to describe a person with funny bones.
Person 1: Ayo, I just droppped my water bottle, and now it be looking like an Andrew bottle.
Person 2: Fr? Shit sucks. Flip that shit.

Person 1: I kicked Matthew's ass so hard, he be looking like an Andrew bottle.
Person 2: Ay fr cuh? Send me the video!
by #nochinksinmycity May 12, 2022
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Her time of the month came so she told her baby daddy to grab her a couple Twater Bottles at the dollar tree on the way tback from seein his P.o.
by BitchDatty April 13, 2019
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