
1. Act of inflicting pain on someone by forcefully pulling the pubic hair while giving a blowjob.

2. (metaphor) Deceiving someone with a bad or harmful experience while making him think that it was going to be enjoyable or fruitful.
1. I didn't think she noticed at the time, but when Susan gave me that Hairy Morris, I realized that she didn't appreciate me making eyes at her mom.

2. When the company said it was going to take away the sick days and pay them out instead, people were initially happy, until they realized that they'd have to use vacation time as sick days now. The new policy turned out to be a real Hairy Morris.
by Maddermonk February 9, 2011
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When a female with long pubes braids little Christmas bells into them, so that when she's taking a full length on Christmas Eve, the kids run in, excited and ready to see Santa because they hear bells jingling, only to find their mother copping some hot Christmas pork in her moist pudding.
Guy friend: "Hey what did you and Susan get up to on Christmas Eve?"
Guy: "Oh she helped a brother out with a Santa's Hairy Lay."
by Dudgeridino March 7, 2016
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Hairy nipples, hairless nipples and other body anomalies can be known as dairy hooters, hairy dooters, dirty hairies, hairy dairies, dairy hairies, nairy dipples, dairy nipples, dairy hoots, hairy doots, nairy hipples and nairless hipples, among less common words like Harris Teeters.
Hymns Of Deuteronomy; An Ode To Dairy Hairies:

"I love how you skitter me scats just like you scatter me deuters. And I love the way you tipsy my nips just like you scooter me hooters. When you busty my lust and when you chesty my breast and when you're silky for milk, you know l like you the best, but I don't know a god damned thing about these computers.

I love how you neuter my newts just like you grew dirty hairies. And if you want to deuter my hoots, you'll have to dairy my nairies. There was a hooter of doots on top of my nairy dipples that will sing you a song that's scathing my hairy nipples, but I still know nothing about how much that this hurts your dairies."

Hex the Dolls:

"Hex the dolls with dairy hooters! Fa la la la la, la la la la! Hex the dolls with hairy dooters! Fa la la la la, la la la la! Nairy dipples, dairy nipples! Fa la la la la la la la la! Dirty hairies hurt my dairies! Fa la la la la, la la la la!"
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The act of dipping bloody swollen hemorroidal tissue into a sexual partners mouth.

similiar to Tea Bagging But rather than ones balls this is the act of dipping ones Hemorrhoids into another's mouth, often bloody and hairy thus the definition "Bloody Hairy"
Last night was just dreamy, Randy gave me my first Bloody Hairy and it was more than I ever imagined it would be, better than a Hot Carl and Cleveland Steamer combined!
by Filthyrichie March 29, 2013
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A woman with an exceptional amount of pubic hair on her period without a pad or tampon...
When I got naked in gym class, the other girls looked in horror at my blood-stained pubic hair. It was a Bloody Hairy for sure.
by Illumicunti February 12, 2018
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hairy penises known as the hairy utensil
jack: hi Simon
simon: i have hairy nuts
jack: fuck off
by timmy the fat nigger February 10, 2022
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Can refer to several things related to excessive alcohol-intake:
(1) An incident of "morning after" dat's particularly unpleasant (i.e., "hairy") in dat you suffer unusually-severe feelings of pain, sickness, humiliation, etc.
(2) A "majorly feeling like crap" post-booze-binge reaction dat obliges you to use da "hair of da dog" method in an effort to sober up and feel better.
(3) Da bristly-furred and saggy/flabby beer-gut dat flops disgustingly down in front of yer abdomen, and is da result of decades of partaking in da disgraceful debauchery described in Definitions 1 and 2.
Da term "hairy hangover" could also refer to when a naked dude who hasn't shaved himself "down there" is straddling a chick's face, and so his globular "daddy bits" are loosely dangling down where she can see them up close.
by QuacksO December 30, 2021
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