Sadly, most workers in the world are the victims of Puff Balls; managers or co-workers who have no skill for the job they are in, yet there they are.
by geekmalone June 30, 2020
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The greatest house in the world where Puff live's and during the summer of 2008 many parties were enjoyed
Let's go to the Puff Lounge and get our party on.
by omnipuff August 4, 2008
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a nice puff is a good blow of cocaine. it's commonly used in school as a code word.
girl: you got the nice puff?
boy: i got to get it out my locker hold on.
by libtard11 January 24, 2019
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Broski: Ayeee bro wanna get like fuckeddd upppp
Homie: Yea bro lets hit some ground puff
by DaffyDuckler April 9, 2019
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Large, bright red, possibly inflamed cheeks.

Occurs in many cases relating to drunkenness, embarrassment and exposure to heat, however some experience this condition regularly with little stimuli.
1)Damn drunk asian, those are some rosy puff daddies!

2)Damn sober white guy, those are some rosy puff daddies, do you have a medical condition?
by dickmongler January 31, 2011
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When your fucking your girl from behind and you stop and tap her on the shoulder and she turns and looks then you cum on her face followed by an uppercut. It creates the old Boston Cream Puff !!!
She thought she was smart until i gave her the old Boston Cream Puff !!!
by Musky2248 December 1, 2019
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