Three guys started an organisation to save the world from rubbish and make the world a brighter place.

Love Care Peace
"Is this the work of High Flowers?"

"Yes it is!"
by Berminger November 23, 2021
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A school located in on the exact border between Burnsville and Eagan. It is one out of three junior highs in district 191. Aside from its bugs and teachers who never seem to age, there is quite the mix of kids. From preppy kids who think they're the crap, to ghetto kids who hang out in gangs. Though going there is a pain in the butt, it is still better than its counterparts aka Eagle Ridge (annoying ass rich thots and tools) and Nicollet (scary hood kids & dirty faucets) Beware the STEM kids at Metcalf are quite...nerdy. Metcalf is known for its chess team that places nationally, but to the students who aren't on the team, it is a thing used to make fun of people. MJH also has many clubs that meet maybe twice a year and are a joke to not only the students, but also other schools.

*Can also mean a mixture on ghetto and preppy or two-faced
You're being such a metcalf junior high today. Ugh
by rad booty January 25, 2015
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Its a school that smells like cheese and is to crappy for anyone to care about it.
Person 1 - Hey what school do you goto?
Person 2 - Astral Drive Junior High, why?
Person 1 - Andy Fisher, go think of what you just said!!
by andyrewrew October 7, 2011
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Refers to the „high“ the consumer gets out of overdosing on Melatonin Pills.

These mostly consist of vivid and lucid dreams, that feel more intense than natural
Experienced ones.
Person1:“I had the craziest dream yesterday!“

Person2:“Were you on that Melatonin-High or what?“
by The-Good-Vibes April 22, 2022
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Born from a typo my friend had on msn conversation ... means a bitch who shouts at a high pitch.
what a high-bitched bitch.... i oughta kick her @$$ and use Quan Chi fatality from mortal kombat 4 to finish her off ;P
by Hannieee October 24, 2010
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hell, never ever go there. Teachers cant teach, say goodbye to 8 hours of sleep. No more naps. Homework is your new best friend. Groupchats are for homework now. Say bye to your family now. No more eating dinner especially before a test. You will never have an A+. Only good thing is we go to the hospital and skip classes but getting into health program is even harder than the other programs. the school is boring, literally no drama or fights. SOO boring, all you know now is homework and tests. but yea. "great school"!
hf high school is bad
by sally sells sea shells November 3, 2023
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To deliberately do something (normally involving a purchase) that gives you something to look forward to during the depressive times
I've booked a holiday in Magaluf to manufacture a high
by mids99 August 15, 2009
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