Let’s go Watch Squid Game my little Spit Hamster
by J-Squizzy October 20, 2021
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a) what a dog does with anything it can't eat, chew, or play with

b ) (A variation of "piss on it and walk away"): walk away from any experience, even a negative one, with your head held high, and move onto bigger and better things, instead of letting the experience frustrate you.
In terms of anger management adapted to modern society, especially under definition b) mentioned above, spit on it and walk away is more than a solid good piece of advice; the same can be applied to, to some extent, in dealing with negative people, or people you can't/don't want to get along with.
by Sexydimma February 4, 2015
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This is when you go to California to visit your friends who you have known forever so you call each other "family", hence the cousin thing, when they actually are not related to you in any way so it’s NOT incest *don’t freak out* …so one thing leads to another and before you know it your gettin fuckin rammed deep by your "cousin" while sucking his homies dick. You’re welcome
I had such a good vacation, we had a California cousin spit roast
by Calicousin November 22, 2022
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Using ones own saliva to give something, or someone (if you're into that) a shine that's so lustrous it makes Jesus himself turn away from its blinding reflection.
"Hey Tom, how'd you get your car so shiny?" "I can't even see."
"I spit shined the shit out of it and it really paid off."
by SwissOnionKnowledge January 25, 2016
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Unbelievably clean.
Joe's new Lambo was sitting there spit shined in his driveway.
by ideka March 15, 2016
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An object that is most likely brighter than your future.
That man spit shined his shoes till they were brighter than my balls dipped in Vaseline.
by Booty Warri0r January 7, 2016
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Spitting glue is an informal term of ejaculating, otherwise known as cumming or as releasing the california condor back into the wild.
Craig: Goddamn my guy, yesterday i was spitting glue to the charmin bears all day!

Jeff: What the fuck?
by cummywummiesinmytummy February 18, 2021
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