a dick or a cock, or it can be an insult to someone.
yo bro look at that gay fag hes such a wrinkle stick
by xxFUCK YOUxx April 16, 2008
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a slight dent or wrinkle in a mans penis. And/or a funny word to call a friend.
A: Yo Dan thats a big penis wrinkle you got there.

B: Sheena your a fucking penis wrinkle.
by annnnonyomusssssss March 28, 2010
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A term used to insult someone; A term used to addres a mean grandparent or an old parent; the creases on a cock when flacid;
Wow you granda is a cock wrinkle.

Dude youre such a cock wrinkle!

wanna see my cock wrinkle?
by Carlos R. Gomez V. June 2, 2004
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George W. Bush

the equivolent to a "douchebag", "McAsshole", or "sonofabitch"
That stupid penis wrinkle is ruining our country
by Dick B. Harding September 16, 2006
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what you call a guy who looks like a penis wrinkle...usually comes with a pair of saggy nuts.
Hey Dustin Duncan, from King, NC you look like a penis wrinkle, you really should get that fixed.
by itsmethemuddduck! March 10, 2011
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A term often used to ridicule someone for something that really has nothing to do with penis's or wrinkles, like other offensive terms it has nothing to do with the bad that person has done or his description, unless the term is used to describe an old man who is a total dick head (dickhead), in other terms your grandpa.
Mr. Butter Fuck: just cause im old does not mean you can call me a Penis Wrinkle.
Jack Mehoff: yea it does you Penis Wrinkle, go be old somewhere else.
by Fluffy Daniels December 11, 2010
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