(adj.)cool;rad pertaning to verbs or nouns
Tight 360 man! It must me that blind you got.
by Josh November 14, 2003
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adj. An action that is very rude or downright mean (used all the time in the 80's).
Did you hear about that tight shit that Bobby did to his girlfriend's Mom?

I can't believe you stole my Chia Pet...that is so tight!
by Matt December 24, 2002
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That car was tight.
by mac daddy November 10, 2003
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1) An unfucked pussy
2) Type of clothing worn by a whore to show off her tits
3) Fitting close or too close to the skin
1) Man, the bitch is well tight!
2) Fuck me, how tight is her top
3) Ow, the shoes are too bloody tight
by ricard July 24, 2007
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Drunk, wasted, obliterated, hammered, destroyed etc.
Yo dude bro, I was so tight last night when I hooked up with that mad ugly chick.
by tleetlee June 11, 2008
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The opposite of Amped,usually used for situations of
1) bad luck
2) pain
3) embarrassment
1) person a:"I was hitting on this girl last night, but she has a boyfriend"
person b:"Oh, you're tight"
2) someone slips on ice and hits their head
3) someone lets out a nasty fart in public, and a really hot girl/guy looks at them weird
by DLK12 February 26, 2008
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