You freeze a Canadian fish and stick your dick through it to have sex. Proceed to fuck through the fish
I totally gave her Canadian narwhal last night
by Samoan whale October 24, 2017
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Hitting someone so hard that there spine comes out of there back and it looks like a narwhal tusk
Dude did you see that narwhal? Narwhaling is so brutal.
by Jackweggseh March 4, 2019
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A narwhal is another amazing and cute version of a unicorn. A sea unicorn if you will. always protect narwhals. You can also dress like a narwhal for Halloween to show your love of them!
Stranger: do you like narwhal?
You: Yeah they’re great! I love sea unicorns!
by Yourmom<333 November 11, 2021
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When a bald person sticks a suction cup dildo on their head and fucks a woman with it
I narwhaled Becky so hard last night.
by Agnes444 May 10, 2021
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A narwhal is a whale with a horn, which is actually a tooth and it can have two of them. And it eats corpses!

by Magic Diamond April 2, 2016
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A narwhal is a whale, with a horn, witch is actually a tooth, it can have 2 of them, and it eats shrimps
by Magic Diamond April 21, 2016
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That guy/girl next door was claiming to be a shark, but really he/she is just a narwhal.
by Snowboy Jr. December 22, 2022
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