The ancient language of the almighty majestic doggo. To bork is a privelege one must cherish.
by Leeroy Wordkins September 20, 2017
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Josh smoked the rest of the stash, and is currently borked of his gourd.

Oh god, josh is borked.
by The master blaster (Bran) August 19, 2019
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Although confused to be a mixture of beef and pork sometimes; a word that means everything. Usually used as an exclamintation.
What the bork?;
Bork bork bork!;
A borker is one who borks.
by blackorchids July 18, 2003
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1. broken, does not work
2.broke, as in: I do not have any money
"wanna go to the alamo tonight?" "No, man I'm borked."

Dammit, this stupid computer isn't working I guess it's borked.
by Gabby-dawg February 16, 2005
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bork is the name given to a fart released underwater in the bath tub. the name comes from the sound made.
wow that bork stank
by HNC September 25, 2003
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