Moped From Hell- noun: A vehicle summoned forth from the ethereal plain of existence known to many as hell that is ridden exclusively by DaLeGoPimP.
ex: The moped from hell just ran over that school bus full of infants,moments later, dragons flew out of the charred remains of the children.
by WOLF ASSASSIN92 + DaLeGoPimP September 5, 2008
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A strategy developed by Double AA that encourages people to accept that there are things that you can't control, and you must accept them. In addition, there are things in life that you can control, and you have failed at and missed opportunities for a personally desired outcome, but you must let these events go and not haunt you, in order to properly recover and prepare and execute better potentially successful opportunities in the future.
You unfortunately failed your Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving Mid-Term today Alex. Don't let this poor performance define or affect you too much. Less moping more coping! As long as you remember that, you can rebound this semester and repair your grade.
by Double_AA February 6, 2023
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The phrase used by an adult who just "farted" to convince a young child that the flatulence they just heard didn't really come from said adult.
Niece Lilly: "Uncle Eddie!!"
Uncle Eddie: "That wasn't me honey, that was a mouse on a moped!"
by Laika 2 April 29, 2015
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A creeper 18+ always prowling for girls 18- to lock up in his room, aka his mother's basement. doesn't maintain employment or longterm residency & often has black eyes and bloody mouths. known to have a certain "look" they often grow or glue a "molestash" to alter the alarm triggering look and are rocking a moped cause they wrecked their white van with blacked out windows by driving by a park.
1. Hey! Look their is a moped-a-phile! I hope someone kills that s.o.b.
2. Did you hear about Robby's van? Guess he's gonna have to be a moped-o-phile till he can afford to get it fixed.
3. Congratulations on getting your license Robby, now you're a regular moped-o-phile!
by March 30, 2023
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a moped slathered with lots of lube
oh my god my moped just got slicked (AKA a slick moped)
by mrthinkalot December 30, 2011
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Make every person that Mopi touches 5'2" so theyre all the same height.
by Lebron Bronson March 30, 2020
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Fun to ride but you don't want your friends to see you do it. Usually applied to any embarrassing activity you like doing, often a drive by sexing after the bars close.
That ugly guy in high school with the horse cock is Bridgettes moped date these days!
by Uncle Gunnysack June 22, 2018
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