term used by officer harris of south park
jesus christ monkey balls that man isnt black, i cant believe i almost framed an innocent rich guy who isnt black!
by tj tomorrow March 5, 2007
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1> Something so alarming, the only way to exclaim that its truely worth looking at it is reffering to Our Lord Ice Skating.


2> Our Lord out Ice Skating

General Donegal slang of Surprise.
1> Jaime: Yeah but i've never liked him in general

Pétur: Awh man give Dan a cha......JESUS CHRIST ON ICE SKATES! ITS A FUCKING METEORITE COMING TO DESTROY THE EARTH AND ALL HUMANITY THA....Oh wait its just Paul coming. That big fat bastard

Jaime: He IS a big fat bastard!

2> Jaime: And on your left, you will see Jesus Christ, on Ice Skates. Thats Jesus Christ on Ice-Skates.

Margie: Take a picture of the Saviour, James.

Jesus Christ: What up!
by Jaime-the-ledge January 18, 2010
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Jesus wears Capri pants, Hawaiian shirts, and loafers with no socks, his beard is on fleek.
When used as an expletive , as in :
"Jesus Christ in Capri Pants, did you see that hipsters fanny pack?"
"Jesus Christ in Capri pants, Becky, look at her butt, it is so big!"

Can also be used as a handy hashtag... #JesusChristInCapriPants #fannypack #hipster #beckysbutt #lookatit
by socially awkward sally May 18, 2016
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A variation of the commonly used Jesus Christ. It carries the same meaning as Jesus Christ.
"Holy Jesus Christ on a Coke Binge, I can't believe the Steelers won!"
by Jolly Judd January 29, 2009
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A fantastic song (by far the best song I've ever heard that was about faith and god), that questions are lives here on earth, and ask what will happen next. a song that questions faith, and ask for strength, it ask questions that any educated person would ask. I love this song and it makes me feel less alone in this world. The catholic church should make this song into a prayer.
Brand New Jesus Christ: the greatest song about god and Jesus, ever made.

"Jesus Christ, I'm alone again
So what did you do those three days you were dead?
Because this problem is gonna last
More than the weekend"

"Jesus Christ I'm not scared to die
But I'm a little bit scared of what comes after
Do I get the gold chariot
Or do I float through the ceiling"

"Or do I divide and pull apart
Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
This ship went down in sight of land
And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?"
by wseroyer April 15, 2009
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exclamation, Used after something's gone extremely shitto.
Jesus Christ in crotchless panties that fucking hurt! I just sat on a red hot fire poker and slid all the way down!
by Jaggo March 22, 2004
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a statement of disbelief or outrage. Goes on the same turf as "Christ on a cracker!" or simply "Jesus Christ!" Or the better "Jesus H. Christ!" Simply putting Jesus in a cardigan sweater makes it that much more of an animated phrase.
Chrystal found out she had to work late tonight and exclaimed, "Jesus Christ in a cardigan sweater!"

Christina casually browsed the clothing rack and noticed a pair of jeans that were $300 and shouted "Jesus Christ in a cardigan sweater, who the hell would pay that much for these!?"
by Robert Barnett August 16, 2006
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