Political assholes that live to screw up lives of successful people and make America suck in foreign policy.
Dude, you're a Democrat which means you're an asshole and I suggest you go fuck yourself.
by AdomC March 22, 2015
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1. A person that expects the black population to warship them if they run for president or govenener for "ending slavery". When in reality it was there party that wanted slavery to stay and it was the Republican party that wanted it to end.

2. A person with no job that demands that he/she gets paid money

3. A supporter of the LGBTQ rights movement

4. A person that has little to no respect for 2nd amendment rights

5. A person that complains about not being rich

6. Someone who labels any riot that wasnt supported by them ( the jan 6 "riot") a insurrection which is a violent uprising against the government.

7. A person who preaches about saving democracy while they have most likely preached about the need for a socialist government.

8. Almost every middle school student

9. A person who supports black people going out in the middle of the night and looting and burning buildings. Incase your a idiot who doesnt know when this happened (because you were to busy watching CNN preaching about the so called "peaceful protesting") go ahead and google 2020 riots and go to images.
Im a Democrat and Im proud
by Beef supreme 69420 March 3, 2021
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Someone who can take a bad Republican idea and make it worse.
Republican: Let's suspend the Bill of Rights.
Democrat: Great idea! Then, let's mandate everyone to eat their own feces to reduce their individual carbon footprints.
by Cunningest Linguist July 19, 2008
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The supposed sworn enemies of the Republicans, despite often phrasing eerily similar rhetoric in different words. One of the two political parties whose politicians win almost every election. They want us to believe that they're the liberals...and people actually buy it.
"He was a registered Democrat, but he went nonpartisan. Can't say I blame him."
by Qit February 26, 2004
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Joe Biden is a democrat who molests children and murdered his former wife.
by Poundhound August 9, 2021
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Democrat, a person who is lazy, jobless, potato-brained and supports the Democratic Party.
I was born with a potato brain like our great Democrat President Joe Biden
by Lefty-dumbdumb July 13, 2021
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THEY WANT TO TAKE MY MONEY AND GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The reason there are so many democrat-positive posts and so many republican-negative posts is that all democrats are students who still live in their parents' basements, while republicans are too busy rubbing their tax rebates over their sweating naked bodies and having sex with attractive women who still use makeup to post online.
by Ed Zimmer November 17, 2007
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