Claire's are definitely the craziest people you will ever meet. They can sing, dance, fly, they have telepathic abilities, they can pretty much do anything! But, despite all the craziness, they can be pretty sweet. Unless you are tall and skinny. Then they make fun of you. So watch out! Claire's can be feisty little creatures with a devilish sense of humour. Instead, Claire's dig short, chubby guys. She is definitely a goddess at winning people over, especially the ones that are bald.
Caillou: "Oh look, it's Claire!"
Nathan:"Ew what the heck"
Caillou:"I think she's a snack!"
by The Builder Boy September 6, 2019
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A girl that is pretty quiet but if you get to know her she is amazing. She loves animals and never hurts people’s feelings. She is very pretty and wears scarves a lot in the winter. Her favorite friend is Meg and she has an amazing boyfriend that treats her extremely good. If you ever meet a girl named Claire always talk to her and be her friend.
Guy one- Claire is super nice.
Guy two- Yeah she is an amazing girl.
by Maxwell828261 January 30, 2018
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The best girl ever. She is nice, thoughtful, kind, smart, and much more. She loves to draw and is amazing at it too. She also likes to run. If she ever asks you out, don't hesitate to say yes. Everyone would be really jealous of you.
Do you see Claire over there?

Yeah, I do. What about her?

She is super amazing! I have a crush on her and we are similar in a few ways, but I know it will never work out.

You should try! She definitely won't make fun of you since she is so nice.

by Blazewing13 May 6, 2018
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Claire... Where do I even begin? She's everything. If you can even get her to go out with you, you're one lucky mother fucker. She is stunning, and I'm not just talking about her looks. She has the sexiest body you've ever seen which can suck because of precum. She's a freak in bed but you could also take her home to meet your family. All your friends will love her. She has a beautiful smile and the softest pink lips. Claire will be shy when she first meets people but once you get to know her, she's fucking hilarious. Everyone needs a Claire in their life. Aside from being sexy as hell, smart, sweet,funny as fuck, and charismatic, she has a KILLER voice. Her voice sounds like a fresh spring rain. You better hold on to her and never ever let her go.
Joe: I am the luckiest person that ever lived
Marissa: Because you're hot, athletic, loaded, and smart?
Joe: No, I just asked Claire out AND SHE SAID YES!
by Matt77261 March 28, 2020
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Good neighbours, who are kind even though they like to spend their day inside their room. They can be quiet at times, and super loud at others. Overall she is a great person.
by Neighbour65 March 4, 2013
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Claire's like to have fun. Normally Blonde hair and grey, blue, or green eyes. Can be moody, and sometimes dramatic, Claire's have no worries. They enjoy the small things, sometimes easily distracted, and saying random things no one understands. They date guys called Michael, fall in love extremely quickly,blike older guys and always try really hard to get the guy. Even though she tries extremely hard, she falls short of what the guy is looking for, and is rejected. Her boyfriend treats her like a princess, because after all shes been through, thats exactly what she deserves. She loves all of her friends, and loves hanging out with her guy friends. Her guy friends mean the absolute world to her and she never wants to lose them. She has bad self esteem issues and never ever believes it when someone gives her a compliment. She comes across as loud and out going but when you get into a deep and meaningful conversation with Claire, you'll see a side you didnt know existed. She is very thin and extremely gorgeous.

Always find a friend called Claire.
Girl 1: Did you just see Claire walk past?
Girl 2: Yeah wasn't she with her best friend Rhys?
Girl 1: Obviously they care about each other a lot.
by Someone who loves Claire February 16, 2014
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Such a bitch but amazing best franddd

love keira
ew claire is such a bitch but lukie ookie pookie loves her
by peedoinasppedo July 30, 2018
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