Kist System
Person: Oh hey, is that Kist System?
Person 2: Oh, you mean the gayest system ever?
by pisser10005 August 14, 2021
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any kid who’s name is johnny
by shelovesjoe April 24, 2020
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gay is a word that people need to stop thinking it is a insult its a sexuality and if your reading this it is 2022 and people still judge people for the sexuality and get killed for it
yo dude i dont like that gay dude i wish he was dead
Respectfull guy: yo dont say that i know you dont like gay people but never wish death upone someone and he is not doing anything but being himself so why is it bothering you
by pretty.lul_cam March 22, 2022
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What is gay?
Logan is gay.
by October 6, 2022
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If you wear the same size shoe as Ashlyn
Vlas wears the same size shoe as Ashlyn so he’s gay
by Sussy vlassy December 19, 2021
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