Cody is basically the name of every rude, conceited, and bitchy gay guy. Narcissistic and self-absorbed, Cody thinks he's the hottest thing around and that everyone should be in love with him, but he's completely delusional. He hits on straight guys and expects them to be attracted to him, only to be angry that they're not. Basically, Cody is self-centered and bitter, and he's constantly angry at the world for not being in love with him despite his terrible attitude.
(At a gay bar)

Guy 1: I just had the weirdest encounter of my life
Guy 2: What happened?
Guy 1: This stuck-up douchebag was hitting on me, but got super angry and rude when I wasn't interested
Guy 2: I'll bet his name was Cody
Guy 1: How'd you know?
by thereddragon9091 October 1, 2022
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A man who deserves a booty picture
A booty pic a day is all a Cody needs to be happy
by Bugballa23 February 8, 2023
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Cody is a man who has an amazing heart and a beautiful soul regardless of all the scars on both. Cody has a sense of humor that could make a troll laugh but also a sincerity that will take your breathe away. Cody loves to have his head rubbed, taking showers with you and will always please you in bed. Cody is hardworking and determined but also likes to gamble. He is an amazing father and the best friend you could ever have.
Every since I met Cody, my life has been so wonderful.
by Shaody June 14, 2022
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Codys are jerks at first but you have to get to know them. Inside they have a personality that will melt your heart. They’re funny, Smart when they want to be, Caring and Kind. They are one of the best boyfriends you could have. They will treat you like your the queen of the world. Show you all their love and affection while being themselves with you. They are also great brothers to a younger sibling. They always have their brother or sisters back and always make them smile. He’s cool with them and he’s not a snitch. He’s goofy asf and always makes your day. Usually a great hair, light eye guy. If you know one, don’t lose them! They’re the best
Girl 1: Oh he’s so cute!

Girl 2: Hes being so sweet to his sister!

Girl 1: Where can you find an amazing one like that?

Girl 2: He must be a Cody!
by David is a banana September 5, 2019
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Is usually a guy who cannot get over his fat gf from freshman year, she never closes her doors or turns her lights off to fuck when her parents are home. Has nothing going for him after highschool. Thinks he is the shit but is actually a shit, with nothing to flaunt but a greasy shrimp. Sometimes comes down with a bad case of butt herpes. Finds the laughing emojis to be absolutely hilarious, but does take a joke like a champ. His life360 is his giveaway to his nights out. Vape God whose chains are his personality.
Man fuck a ni**a named cody. If she ain’t 280 she ain’t a lady. - Cody
by chunkychick123 September 23, 2023
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