A comeback when you can't think of anything to say. A funny term in general.
1: Shut yo melted cadbury's cream egg looking ass the fuck up
2: Your mum sucks willy
by Kazotsky Kick December 7, 2018
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"You're so mean"
"Your Mum is mean"
by AbbySalz January 11, 2017
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A classy lady of fairly hefty build.
'You're a good player and your mum is a classy lady.'
-bungie.net dynamic header
by stormrecon March 31, 2011
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A phrase that can be substituted into quotes to make them funny.
"Pitiful Mortal. Your mum ends here! And your meaningless existance with it!" ~ Seymour Flux, FFX

"Gwa-ha-ha and your mum are up to something." ~ Cait Sith, FF7

"Sin is my old man. Sin is your mum." ~ Tidus, FFX
by Steaver370 November 23, 2004
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Very versatile. Can be used in any situation with varying levels of effectiveness. Quite derogatory and must be said with caution. Always have guard up when said to strangers.

Very off-putting towards opposition in sporting competition.

Must never be said in front of own Mother

Can be used in an appropriate way.... Sometimes
Example 1 - "Your Mum eats dog biscuits and wears Army boots!"

Example 2 - Person 1 - "Hey areshole"

Person 2 - "Your Mums arsehole"

Example 3 - Person 1 -"Where are we staying tonight friend?"

Person 2 -"Your mums mate"

Person 1 -"Sounds Good!"
by LukeDoggy July 17, 2006
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