An unpatriotic person who proritizes personal gain ahead of their own country and people. Otherwise known as a cockroach.
That politician is a turke
by NSLAGF July 10, 2016
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To turk something is to steal it, an aristocratic term developed in the South of England, probably in Hampshire, circo 2002.

A term deriving from the reknowned fact that Turkish people steal more things than upper class white people, therefore rather than stealing something, one would turk it.
Person A: Look at that dirty jigaboo turking that bike!

Person B: Lets go lynch him.
by THe Holy Nazi March 3, 2005
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To become the subject of a malicious prosecution and be charged with an outrageous criminal sentence. A criminal charge that is perpetuated a corrupted person with political connections, a government official or a government system.
My friend went to prison because of some connected A hole. He got totally turked
by AmericanAF May 27, 2020
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An evil slimy scum that is awful and does not deserve to live in Constantinople. Serbia is clearly better and kebab isn’t even a good food.
Yo is my boi a Turk?
Nah fam he ain’t no Turk
Okay good cause if he was he would be a meany
Gotchu fam
by Katiehill60cents October 12, 2018
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Turk means when something is big or fat
Person 1: “Yo did you see Bella’s ass, that shit turk!”
Person 2: “Definitely her shit turk.”
by Rondonmcdondon May 6, 2019
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A cockroach like creature that takes on the form of a human. Their goal in in life is to invade, kill, rape, enslave and forcibly convert people to Islam. They are a type of vermin that should never have been that plague the world with their very presence which causes significant decreases in human wellbeing.
The Turk stalked the streets at night looking to abduct Greek Women. The husbands had fought the turk off going to show that the only thing a turk can beat is his wife.
by Bath Wanker January 8, 2019
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