A way of saying you spent a long time at the bar. A reference to the neon beer signs that are in bars.
Doug: "Hey man what did you do last night?"

Fred: "I spent all my money and now all I have left is a hangover and this neon tan."
by tyhillman July 7, 2010
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A purple haired tentacle loving mascot for the hentai artist ZONE-SAMA
Did you see the newest episode of ZTV News? Zone-Tan is a good news anchor.
by Xdmanxdddd February 17, 2017
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partially tan tits; half tan, half still milky white
she has a tit tan because she doesn't tan nude.
by collin z. March 7, 2009
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the pale and milky consistancy one's skin retains after a summer spent playing games on the basement computer
"Check out that kid's basement tan, he most not get out much"
by harold webster May 26, 2006
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1. The red mark shaped like a mushroom left on skin after the act of slapping the skin with an erect penis. Similar to cockslapping.
"Stacey, he left a mushroom tan on my belly after he pulled out and jizzed on my face. Fuckin amazing!
by Jordan Kelly & Sean Oosterveen September 18, 2010
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When one spends so much time on gaming machines that their skin turns a pasty white colour due to lack of sun exposure and outdoor activities.
Jimmy "hey what you up to this weekend bro"
Dave "working on the playstation tan mate"
Jimmy "that's some sick shit bro"


Julie "Holy crap meg, your boyfriend sure is white"
Meg " yeah that's his playstation tan"
by charliroc March 12, 2010
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"I'm droppin' soda with the right hand
Butterknife and scrape the Pyrex cookin'
White tan"

Kevin Gates - White Tan
by xshav0x January 15, 2014
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