Someone who cannot let go of old wounds and allow them to heal, and won't allow others to do so.
Every time that Scab Stabber came over, she wanted to talk about my ex and how we all used to hang out back in the day. After a while, I just had to stop taking her phone calls.
by Word Kitchen July 14, 2011
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boys who work in web departments with secret obsessions with cat toys, love crock pots, and Chinese women.
Everyone may think they are working diligently in their office, but they are just wasting time poo stabbing.

"Jeremiah is a Poo Stabber!! He done poo stabbed Johnny! And he liked it!!"
by the smuts November 16, 2012
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"Scupper stabber" - Slang for a gay man. A scupper is traditionally defined as an opening on the deck of a boat to allow runoff during heavy rains or large waves. Sometimes used to refer to similar drainage for a building.
"Dude, I was in a bar in Boston, when unbeknownst to me, a gay pride parade started marching by...when I walked out I surrounded by 1000's of friggin' scupper stabbers."
by Thor9 September 15, 2006
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Jabber Stabber (A Verb) describes a woman fingering herself until orgasmn in a goofy fashion. This may include fingering herself while whistling the song "Whistle While You Work" or fingering herself while dancing the hora. A man can also "jabberstab" a woman as well but he needs to do something equally goofy at that same time such as voting for George Bush whilst fingering.
"Did you hear LaTanya jabber stabber herself in the park last week?? That bitch straight up fingered herself while Christmas caroling in July. What a goofy bitch!!!"
by Jordan the OG Genius August 24, 2006
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A bull's horns;
Origin: The rodeo, where clowns are used to distract bulls so the riders can dismount safely.
Look at the clown stabbers on that rank bull! They better git outta the way!
by Yolanda Vega August 22, 2003
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Person(s) at a LAN who get so pwnt they are relegated to switching to the lowest level in-game weapon, and attacking non-aggressive pixels.
Haha, we had fun at the LAN but Cory was mos def a tank stabber.

Derived from an actual LAN experience where a grimacesque guy named Cory, after several hours of getting pwnt, wanted to prove that a tank in Quake Wars would explode due to multiple stabbings.
by BigTrucK October 9, 2008
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