A waste of time. They just make a bunch of crazy, pointless shows with these hillbillies that they find on the side of the road. Or, more likely, find under a rock. The shows consist of rednecks trying useless attempts at catching large fish with their bare hands, trading a sheep for a car, and arguing over a storage box that may or may not have something useful in it. These shows involve sluts sitting on motorcycles for absolutely no reason and terribly-fake staged bar fights.
(Guy 1) Hey did you watch the new episode of Hillbilly Handfishing on the reality TV channel?
(Guy 2) Yes, and I almost died of boredom

(Guy 1) Have you ever watched Storage Wars?
(Guy 2) *runs and hides under bed*
(Guy 1) I'll take that as a no...?
by IAmAUnicorn April 3, 2013
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Project Reality (PR) is a modification for Battlefield 2 on the PC. Project Reality's aim is to create a more realistic combat environment than standard Battlefield 2, and place a greater emphasis on teamwork and cooperation.

Most of the aspects of Battlefield 2 that have the capacity to be modified have been tweaked, or completely overhauled, to reflect their real life counterparts, for increased realism. Ballistics have also been audited to reflect those of real weapons, including characteristics such as damage, deviation and bullet drop depending on a weapon systems calibre.
Squadleader- We need an extract at these coordinates- E5kp3!

Extraction Helicopter Pilot- Roger That, first I need you to take out any armor threats in the area.
(Squad strategically takes out threats, then pops red smoke)

Pilot- I'm at the LZ.
Squadleader- Roger that we are Oscar Mike.
Random guy playing-you gotta love the nerds on Project Reality!

(All this is examples of how people talk on their headsets in online matches.)
by bf2modlover May 10, 2010
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(adj.) being in a state in which one is utterly and completely unable to distinguish fact from fiction, and is thus obviously and undeniably full of shit.
Most politicians are reality challenged. So are a number of attorneys, as well as most people living in Hollywood.

To use it in a sentence: "That guy is SO reality challenged... that he can't even tell shit from Shinola!"
by Tom Navarro September 9, 2007
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A person who is EXTREMELY outgoing and talkactive to everyone. The person often loves to party, shop, get drunk and use drugs. They hate not-so-outgoing people and they love to talk about "daily basis" things in life. They speak loudly about their dreams (often being a stripper, etc.) and in the end, they never achieve any of those.
Brittany (Blonde bimbo): "Ooh, we will have a BIG party this weekend, with 9000 guests! OMG! I'm gonna get drunk and dance on the tables!"

Brittany is a stereotypical reality whore.
by RealityWhore September 4, 2012
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When the energy of a place or setting is different than usual. This can happen at 7/11 at midnight, a quiet country road in the middle of the woods, or an airport between the hours of 22:00 and 6:00. Time feels broken and the energy feels out of place, as if you were never meant to be here in the first place. A comparable feeling is that of being high
Amelia: Our next flight is at 8:30 in the morning, but the airport feels so weird with nobody around
Jane: Yeah, talk about altered reality
by kweentini October 12, 2018
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A word or phrase used to bring a person back into the life of those around them, sometimes used to smash hopes and dreams.
Sean: Everyone is mean to me. I am perfect. I don't understand why people say bad things about me.
Jeremy: Sean, look at what you say to people. Nobody likes you for a reason!
by Jeremy October 23, 2003
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Aliens will never visit earth because they will see our reality tv shows and think we're all dumbasses who need to be killed.
by alienware 4tw May 15, 2005
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