Otaku is a Japanese word for house.

As in you never leave it.
Please don't call yourself an otaku, especially in front of real Japanese people, which you most likely never meet.
by jingjong February 18, 2005
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Japanese: An insulting word meaning someone who is completely obsessed with something. They are the type that generally live in their parents' basements at 30 years old and have no social life.

English: A term meaning someone very into anime/manga/Japanese culture. It can be taken as either a compliment or an insult, depending on the recipient (I take it as a compliment, for example).
J: Man, that otaku needs a bath, he's been in his basement for a week without one.

E: Wow, look at all these otaku at the convention, dressed like their favorite characters! They're having so much fun!
by Sailor KnightWing April 27, 2004
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A word that simply refers to people with an obsession for anime, video games or anything kinda like those things. Has developed a taboo because often times otakus are seen as the scum of japanese manga society. This taboo has been reinforced by otakus committing mass murders, rape and other crimes. In america to some people it is known as simply a fan, which for the most part it is, but also as an unhealthy obsesser. In japan their really isn't quite as much taboo since a huge portion of society reads manga, probably about 80 or 90% of males between age of 5 and 40 read manga on regularly. Even their Prime Minister, taro aso, who is an avid manga reader, refers to himself as an otaku, so really it isn't meant to hav any negative meaning.
Oh yeah hes an otaku
oh.... better make sure he doesn't get a gun
naw dont worry hes not one of those hes just a big fan
ohh... ok... but really make sure he doesn't get a gun
by Kevin's dictionary May 6, 2009
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The Japanese word "Otaku" is the meaning of a nerd. Later on, people such as the anime fandom use the term for people who watch anime. The reason why they put otaku as a anime lover because back in the days, people use to make fun of people who watch anime and call them "weeaboo" but then they called them selves "Otaku" so that they can hide the shame of being a weeb.
Sora: "hey dude what's up?"
Minori: "Nothing much Sora-tan b-baka, but I just got a SUGOI collection of anime! I also got a body pillow of my favorite waifu UWU! I love my waifu Chizuru so much, aishteru Chizuru-kun~!"
Sora: "Your such a fricking weeaboo bro-"
by Potato_tomato_desu April 13, 2021
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A fucking weeb who Ioves everything Japanese
Jimbo: You know Timmy over there he’s a fucking otaku

George: I know that! Have you seen what he’s wearing?
by The Otaku man May 28, 2020
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A person who loves to watch anime and read manga and also admires the Japanese culture, but not to the point of denouncing their own, that would make them a weeaboo. Being an otaku is basically being apart of a whole new culture, an it's great! Just don't become a weeb.
"Hey, do you watch anime?" "Yeah!, I am an otaku, you?" "So am I!"
by CurrentSlang2014 December 8, 2014
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From the literal translation of the word toku, meaning "house. In Japan, Otaku means somebody with an obsession. From anime, manga, vedeo games, computers, to things from train sets, stamps, spoons, ect.

In the 8o's, Otaku was used for a Japanese case where an obsessed fan murdered a voice actress for not sounding th way he invisioned his favorite character.

Otakus in Japan tend to be under-weight with poor hygen and little to no life outside of their obsession, i.e. only leaving outside of their home for their care or additions to their collection of what they are obsessing over. Thus, having their society look down upon them.

In the U.S., fans of anime and manga tend to mix up Otaku for "guru", or master. A large amount of the fans of products of Japanese entertainment tend to view Otaku as a good thing. Otaku, in the West, normally means "fan of anime/manga/video-games".

The "otakus" of the US. tend to be over-weight, have poor hygen, and have little to no life outside of their own obsession.

People in the U.S. tend to make jokes about "otakus" and their Western version of "Comic-Book Junkie" to live in their parent's basement while obsessing with their collectables.
I am such an otaku because I love manga's and Kishimoto-chan!

Yuu only leaves his house in order to get a new train set... He must be an otaku.

The Otaku had murdered the voice actress because he did not like her portrayl of his favorite character.
by Gaara_Baby_Eater June 1, 2009
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