Don't listen to Piano G he is mid.
Listen to YB he is better
by Jandre999 July 9, 2021
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An offensive slur of "hominid". Used to refer scornfully to human beings.
Those stupid mids never know when to quit, do they?
by RZ October 5, 2003
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A series of life-changing events that occur around 25 to 30 years of age - half-way to a normal, mid life crisis. Usually denoted by a realization of how screwed up your parents were and how screwed up the world really is. Usually followed by marriage, divorce, spiritual reawakening, anti-depressants, children, jail or, a combination.
Have you seen the movie Old School? Those guys were having some serious mid, mid-life crisis’s.
by Awesomes007 April 12, 2006
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Mediocre weed. About equivalent to the lowest beaster, but not from British Columbia. Better than schwag or commercial, worse than beaster, headies, or anything with a nickname.

Typically stuff grown indoors but not grown super well. Outdoor stuff that's been harvested, dried, and packaged well might also be sold as mids. Gives you a somewhat noticeable feeling. However, it really can't be called high.

Despite what one definition says, it is not dependent on area. Mids is always the step directly below beaster. Based purely on a scale of how high it gets you, it isn't truly the middle of the scale- it sits almost exactly between White Widow and the leaves from industrial hemp (which you can't really smoke).

It's pretty difficult to tell the difference between mids and commercial until you smoke it (commercial just makes the habitual toker feel sleepy). If it's green, devoid of hair or crystals, and has a pretty low seed content, it's probably mids.
I hit some mids last night. I felt a kind of weird, tired, and I had the munchies, but I wasn't really high. At least it wasn't total dirt though. My boy Stevie is gettin' some beaster tomorrow and I'll actually get high.
by kickflipthecat February 24, 2009
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The worst place to be in clash (Royale), this purgatory like place is known by many as “the trenches of clash”

-challenger 1 - Master 2

This is the place niggas go ham wit the outa pocket decks. You can’t play a game without playing one of these cards
1. E barbs - if they’re racist
2. Mega knight - jus bc they don’t know how to make a deck
3. E giant - if they’re sped

4. Pekka - if they hate women
5. Golem - if they hate black people
6.Witch (any variant) - they get bullied at school
7. Xbow - if they’re a sociopath (me)
8. Royale Giant - when they don’t got a dad

Kid at school: AYO! Check out my deck

(Giant skeleton, Witch, Clone, Balloon, Rage, E-Barbs, Freeze, Tesla)

Girl: Ew, what the fuck? You’re a mid ladder player get away from me

Example 2.
Kid 1: oh you play clash? What deck u runnin?

Kid 2: yea, lumberloon with elixir golem-battle hea-

Kid 1: *shoots kid 2 before he finishes sentence*
by clarski on YT September 26, 2021
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