(verb){baseball} the act of hitting a homerun
Vernon Wells is going to go ya-ya.
by Phil Owen April 20, 2007
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are ya?, did ya?, do ya? etc. is the universal comeback to any statement when one has no intelligent comeback, or simply wants to be an arrogant asshole.
It has an acronym for are/did/do you.

Unlike the famous "lol" or "omg" this word has a very poor chance of being remembered as an internet acronym.
Bitch- "You are a gay lesbian and I hate you."

Ignoranious- "Are ya?"
by jdyhtfhfyue08wfjxjiod April 17, 2011
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To Fail to show up without valid reason.

Especially to agree wholeheartedly to be somewhere/do something then pull out at the last minute.
Where's Steve today? He's not as his desk, is he ill?

Oh no, he's done a yas.
by Moustache Max January 3, 2007
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A shorter version of yes and yay combined. This word is usually used in emails but it can and has been used in many more things.
This is also commonly used if some one does not know how to spell yeah. They sometimes just put ya instead. The last example is when one types so fast that they forget letters. Yay vs ya or yammer vs ya.
by The ham May 11, 2018
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you awful
Tim:so do you think my tities are lookin better
Mandi:you have disgusting man boobs
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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yes in german, commonly used in germany
"ya" german person nods in agreement.
by salmal3456 September 2, 2007
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