When something very bad happens, or when something happens that pisses you off. Origin: Texas
Derived from the word "Herpies"
Person1: "Dude I went to go get the kill
and he was out."

by Praetorian March 30, 2004
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Are you herping right now? Because you have been on this same task for days.

I can smell you herping!

by BigD Is King March 5, 2011
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The action of getting herpes in the past tense. Super gross and should be avoided all costs.
oh god I got herped last night by this random ass girl in a hot dog suit
by horseluver666 January 4, 2017
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A sickness that was created in Atlanta and later spread to New York city
That's baddie had herpes,
Let's go to herpes city (Atlanta)
by Ahofecarter October 12, 2019
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A person who smokes, snorts, injects or eats meth. A tweaker of elevated rank... like the kind that sells to kids or frequently pulls out their wang in public.
Did you see Trish's new boyfriend? He's a total herp.
by Aerophilia April 28, 2011
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1. something people say before or after derp, sometimes as a substitute for derp (see derp).

2. may become the prefix of derp to make herpderp or herpaderp.
Herp "Herp derp!"
Derp "Herp derp?"
Herp "herp derp derp herpaderp"
Derp "Derp."
Herp "Herp."
Any Human Bieng "I completely understand this"
by Vortex1212 December 18, 2016
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Person 1: "hey dude lets get sick herp tonight"

Person 2: "dude you down to get herp tonight?"
by jackierapture September 4, 2008
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