Someone who views every Google invention as basic to human survival.
"Dude, have you checked out Google Latitude? It's awesome!"
"Stop being such a Google elitist."
by secondmilestyle February 11, 2009
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- Noun
- A person who progresses farther than any other member of the server in a way that shows style and class
- A person who can tank crystallos as a non-warrior
- A person with alt's who can solo former raid mobs
Me and my friends were camping the squire in crystallos but wiped, then a PM Elitist came and rezzed us with his box and then tanked it for us and gave us the loot. He was such a good beastlord tanking a 6k hitter.
by Everquest August 11, 2008
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A Greek Elitist is a member of a Sorority or Fraternity that feels that they, and their organization, are completely superior to all of the other Greek organizations; and aren't afraid to let it be known.

Instead of promoting Greek Unity, these "high and mighty" organizations and individuals incite anger and annoyance amongst members of the organizations and Independents that are around them.

Whether this is a true, and completely immature, mindset, or they are trolling for a response, most Greek Elitists are looked upon with disdain by the more mature members of Greek Life.
Woman 1: Ew, look at that whore, she must be an AXO.
Woman 2: I know right, those sluts.

Man 1: Look at that tool. He thinks he is better than us. All those PIKES are douches.
Man 2: Yeah, bro. They need to get over themselves. Damn Greek Elitist.
by Greek Unity September 21, 2011
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A Metal Elitist is a fan of metal music who denigrates the tastes of other metal heads and considers their own to be intellectually superior. Metal Elitists regard any band with a degree of commercial success as being “not real metal,” and consider any fans of such bands “posers.” There is a crossover between the Metal Elitist and Neckbeard personas, as both such persons regard themselves as far smarter than their peers, disparage the tastes of “normies,” and do not regard women as “real” fans of their respective subcultures. The stereotypical Metal Elitist is a single, mid-30’s male who only listens to bands with illegible, scratchy logos and, like the stereotypical Neckbeard, lives in his mother’s basement eating junk food and posting on message boards. As stated previously, Metal Elitists have strong opinions about what “real metal” is, usually considering subgenres like deathcore and metalcore to be particularly offensive, in no small part due to their commercial success, younger and female fan bases, and emphasis on looks and fashion. Their own favorite bands are almost always underground, not necessarily because of the quality of the music, but because their obscure status, which to the Metal Elitist, makes them more “trve” than bands with name recognition. At their most extreme, Metal Elitists will try to one up each other by claiming to like less and less of a band’s catalog, to the point that some claim to “only like the first album” or even “only like the demo.”
“Lol, is that a Slipknot shirt? You know that’s not even real metal, right? I bet you can’t even name five of their songs.”

“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you were a Metal Elitist.”
by ProfCDryDrunk October 25, 2020
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Anyone who is arrogant about his extreme "green practices" and imposes his values on everyone all the time. He usually thinks of himself as open-minded and non-judgmental, when in reality, he is often the most judgmental one in the room. This person will often bring up global warming or recycling at inappropriate times and gets offended when others don't agree with everything he says.
Steve needs to lighten up with the environ-elitist behavior. Last week after his grandpa's funeral, he yelled at his grandmother for not buying eco-friendly toilet paper.
by Texas Tia July 14, 2010
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One who has background knowledge about a subject and whose claims are supported facts. Those without the necessary and relevant knowledge often claim that those with knowledge are elitists.
The term intellectual elitism has arisen recently with the birth of the reactionary and racist Tea Party, but there has been a growing bias against informed, educated people since Ronald Reagan was the President of the U.S.
Fox entertainment news anchor Glenn Beck believes that everyone with more than a fifth grade education is an intellectual elitist.
by smart_citizen October 17, 2010
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Someone who thinks all things should be homemade or made from scratch. They think they are super creative and crafty. Someone who is against using anything from a can in their recipes. Someone who is against using anything from a box. Everything must be organic, whole grain, multiple grain, grass fed, pasture raised, free-range, whole foods. They feel superior to everyone and insult people who don’t do what they do. Because they always do everything perfect. They are so certain of their beliefs being right. Usually someone from New York City, California, Portland.
"Oh, I would never eat anything from a can or box. Everything must be whole foods, organic, whole grain, multiple grain, grass fed, pasture raised, free-range, or maybe take-out. Everything I make is homemade and I always start from scratch. The food and everything else is so much better where I come from." That person is an elitist snob.
by happyperson12 November 1, 2012
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