Online garage sale. Put anything on it and someone WILL buy it.
You pay too much on eBay.
by some dude August 2, 2003
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A place where people can buy and sell stuff thay don't want anymore. A lot of people charge way too much for shipping. For axample, something that costs 2.00 to ship, will cost the buyer 6.99 to ship.
I got a $50 video game on eBay for $40, but i had to pay $9.99 for shipping and handling.
by runestoner1 December 30, 2005
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Where you can sell your most crappiest household items, including your computer, mother, dog and toaster (Y)
girl: HEYYYY, where did mom gooo?

brother: yo bitch, i sold it on ebay.
by hello_jim June 19, 2007
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place that takes your money even if you're the one selling something
eBay: Ok you want to sell something, then I get 99.9% of the final bid price... the other .1% goes to my employes.
by Rad Link 5 October 27, 2003
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To have sold something on the internet, typically (but not always) on eBay.

In MMO video games, digital property (see loot) is often sold thru venues other than eBay. However, the act is still commonly referred to as eBaying of items.
Usage in online MMO video games:
He was uber until he eBayed his account to some n00b.

Other usage:
I eBayed my father-in-law's false teeth.
by Feetus April 24, 2006
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Where I got AOL discs for only 10 cents!
by Zach G. November 28, 2003
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The website where everyone says they'll sell something for way more than it's worth, but they'll buy anything for ridiculously low prices.
Dude! Just sell that rock shaped like pikachu for $500 on eBay, there's gotta be some sucker like that!

Dude! If you want a Playstation3, just buy one on eBay for like $100! There's gotta be someone who just wants to get rid of it cuz he stole it!
by Still_Trippin' December 28, 2006
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