a person (or sometimes an object, although usually specific to a person's face) that is so heinous that it makes vomiting not only possible, but likely
Mary "Did you see that girl's chin hair and untreated acne?"
Kate "Not to mention that bitch's crooked nose."
Mary "Busted and disgusted."
by Sammers315 February 12, 2008
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The feeling you get when you have a patchy, thin, and/or coarse, wiry beard.
Eric looked in the mirror at his sorry excuse for a beard, and felt beard disgust.
by ether83 December 10, 2011
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Having sex with a girl after two guys have already done it very recently. Even more repulsive than sloppy seconds. You are using the other two guys cum as lube.
"That chick was so hot, i didn't care it was Disgusting Thirds, i had to hit it."
by Gashmasterken January 15, 2009
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A sexually active female from ages 11 to 19, has sex everyday with 10 different people, and stink from rottin cum in her body. These girls usually have pail skin, and dyed red or black hair.
This girl named jade is a freaking Disgusting slut, she stinks and she is nasty. I can't stand that hoe.
by Everythingzen March 12, 2015
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Despite the apparently missing exclamation points, this phrase is indeed not an interjection. Used to denote utter coolness, yet with a snarky, ironic edge, a close synonym would be sick nasty, with emphasis on the latter.
"Gene Simmons?! He's totally viva disgusting."
by Kaa December 28, 2007
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What a Red Delicious apple should be called.
Person 1: Hey, are you eating an apple?

Person 2: yes, it's a Red Disgusting

Person 1: Don't you mean Red Delicious?

Person 2: No, it's a Red Disgusting, because it FUCKING SUCKS!
by Mimuxus June 12, 2022
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A phrase used to express one's "utter disgust" over a topic. Although the terminology used suggests that it the user is feeling nauseas, it is commonly used to articulate the resentment that occurs in being disappointed.
(Staff member was terminated for mundane thing)

Mahir: Utter Disgusting.
by PennStateRolePlay April 25, 2023
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