23 definitions by Everythingzen

Rake shake

When a person puts a metal rake into an electrical circuit, and the electric pulse makes the person violently shake.
This morning I put my metal rake in to an electrical circuit and the high voltage of electrical pluses ran through my body causing me to rake shake.

My brother did the rake shake last night and he almost died.
by Everythingzen February 28, 2015
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Dick whip

When a man whips a woman in the face with his dick, like it's a pistol.
Ron:I'll dick whip that bitch in the face when she goes to stand down, if she wants to give me head.
Gary: well goddamn.
by Everythingzen March 12, 2015
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Ass tomato

When a hemroid in a persons anus swells up and turns red.
The ass tomato on my dads anus is looking rough, I think he should see a doctor.
by Everythingzen February 28, 2015
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glass belly button

vision portal for the clueless person
Joe's head is so far up his ass he needs a glass belly button to see.
by Everythingzen November 19, 2008
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Florida orange

When a two females put oranges in their vaginas and let one male eat them out.
Brianna and Beth did the Florida orange with Stan last night in the hotel room.
by Everythingzen March 13, 2015
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Gator snatch

When a females vagina has sharp jagged vagina lips and dead skin.
The slut bill was with lastnight, had a gator snatch.

Amy's gator snatch was so horrifying that she scared Kyle so bad, that he ran to his house with out looking back.
by Everythingzen February 28, 2015
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Disgusting slut

A sexually active female from ages 11 to 19, has sex everyday with 10 different people, and stink from rottin cum in her body. These girls usually have pail skin, and dyed red or black hair.
This girl named jade is a freaking Disgusting slut, she stinks and she is nasty. I can't stand that hoe.
by Everythingzen March 12, 2015
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