Nickname for Shaquille "Shaq" Oneal of the Los Angeles Lakers.
The Diesel ran over the entire Spurs team in last night's game.
by May 18, 2004
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Someone or something is massive, absolutely gigantic, you have never seen something that huge before.
Troy: Oh man you should of seen the size of my boyfriends dick, it was fuckin diesel!

Jeff: Wow you are fuckin gay! Get the hell away from me you freak!
by Marfing November 14, 2006
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One who deletes your facebook comment(s) on his/her statuses or thier status itself because you either made them look stupid/like a fool or because you were right in an argument.
"He deleted my facebook comment, what a Diesel!"

"Lol he dieseled my facebook comment!"

"Stop being a Diesel!"
by BroncosFan21 January 1, 2011
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To engage in the act of drinking copious volumes of beer and devolving into a single cellular state.
Steve was so dieseled he was STBD - shit the bed drunk.
by sherbasaurus November 18, 2015
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The quality of acting like a total homo-erotic douche. For example, a guy noticing when another male classmate has purchased new Diesel jeans.
"Man, that dude has a lot of dieselness, what a fag!"
by the antidouche May 6, 2010
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A man with a shaved head and who is muscular.
That dude is Dieseled.
by mensan65 April 9, 2009
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