3 definitions by BroncosFan21

When someone says bullshit as if you were lying and then you say trueness!
Brandon: I got a new car!
David: Bullshit!
Brandon: Trueness!
by BroncosFan21 January 1, 2011
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One who deletes your facebook comment(s) on his/her statuses or thier status itself because you either made them look stupid/like a fool or because you were right in an argument.
"He deleted my facebook comment, what a Diesel!"

"Lol he dieseled my facebook comment!"

"Stop being a Diesel!"
by BroncosFan21 January 1, 2011
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A dog bowl that you only put and use in a dog's cage. It sometimes may be old or chewed up from the dog.
I just bought my dog a new bowl, now this old one can be her cage bowl
by BroncosFan21 January 6, 2011
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