Yo did you see Anna kiss Masbone last night, she must have been BLEACHED!
by The creator 101 June 10, 2020
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When the white man takes over and often causes the downfall of a person, place, or thing.

Comes from the fact that bleach makes clothes white.

To Bleach, Bleached, Bleaching

"Hey remember when rap used to actually mean something before it got bleached?"

"You call this crap HOT PEPPER SAUCE? Yeah, maybe for some cracker in Georgia! This hot sauce has been seriously bleached!"

"That's not how you play basketball! Who let those white boys in? They're bleaching the team!"
by teh 1337W422102 November 2, 2005
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person 1: Yo FPM is so ghetto!
person 2: Nah, man, that place is bleached
person 1: I'm gonna whoop your ass!
person 2: Yeah, he's gonna kick your butt!
person 1: Nah man, you just bleached it
by nuthead88 June 14, 2011
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Incredibly intoxicated, wayyyyy past faded
This guy smoked 6 Ls and then drank 4 shots of Tequila. He was bleached that night!
by Jackie Soxx December 3, 2008
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-when someone is acting white when they aren't
-acting as if you were a white folk
"Man, brah. Dat black guy ova dere, dat is one bleached nigga. He be rollin wit da white niggas and playin golf and junk. He can't even do no pen drop or dougie. Dat bleached nigga is so white."

Asian Guy-Hey man. What's up?
Bleached Asian-Hey. Jus chillin.
Asian Guy-Ya wanna get something to eat?
Bleached Asian-Ya sure.
Asian Guy-Yeah, let's go get some fried rice from Golden Wok.
Bleached Asian-Nah. I hate rice. Lets get some pizza.
Asian Guy-Then howa bout a boba tea then?
Bleached Asian-Huh? What's that?
Asian Guy-Nevermind. Lets jus go watch some Korean dramas then.
Bleached Asian-Can't. I'm gotta go to Abercrombie & Fitch to get some shirts.
Asian Guy-Well f*** you. Ya frickin, bleached, white-washed, asian, nigga.
by rawrimmatigerrawr November 24, 2010
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"Yo, what happened to Steve?"

"Dam, you didn't hear? He got totally bleached by his ex in front of his new girlfriend."

"What are u talking about?"

"yeah, they ran into her the other night and she asked him in front of her new girl if he was still living with his mom."

by mickypillar November 18, 2008
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The thing that the africans who travelled to Europe used to become White and stole shit from other countries which is why the majority of countries Worldwide are in a lot of shit, it has also been recently discovered that it is a cure for the SJW Vegans LGBT Feminist TransHomo Straightgay that identify as more than 5 Trillion genders including Apache Helicopter or whatever the fuck, you get the point.
Some white guy: "We turned White drinking Bleach, what shall we do?"

Some other white guy: "Let's just take over the world and say that our race isn't the most racist world regardless of our history generations later"

Some white guy: "I like how you think!
by Vikangz September 9, 2018
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