a sophisticated, all encompassing and inclusive term to describe/summarise an insanely mouth-watering food item when normal words of praise and approval are just not sufficient enough.
aoife " omg, did you see what they whipped up in the kitchen???"

everyone at bng "Oh yeah, looked absolutely TAPPED."
by adapt-to-the-word-tapped November 25, 2019
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Slang for someone who is 'ghetto' and prefers ebonics to English. Accompanied by the action of tapping the fore arm twice. A discrete way to notify your friends that they should keep their guard up for a possible crime.
"Shit, a tap tap is coming."

"Then, a tap tap jumped out of the bushes and stole my wallet."
by Nicholas Tiger November 10, 2005
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To have finished a keg; floated
"That keg is tapped."
by Dave Shap February 13, 2009
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drunk, more than tipsy but less then smashed. Probably came from Bermuda as they are the only ones who ever use it.
That Bermudian only had 3 beers and he's tapped!
by wellthennnn February 1, 2011
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A synonym for "Tight-Ass-Pants" which refer to skintight pants and/or jeans and/or tight fitting leg apparatuses. TAPS is never to be said as T-A-P-S but always as TAPS (tap-z) or actually said out in the form of Tight-Ass-Pants. Often worn during hesh-sesh's.
"Yo man, did you pick up those TAPS up yet?"
"Yo man, I really do love Tight-Ass-Pants, they really flatter my legs and butt, brah. When is our hesh sesh?!"
by Zach/Lover June 23, 2006
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Short for; The Atlantic Paranormal Society. A team of ghost hunters, who's base is in Rhode island. The leaders are Jason and Grant. There are other members suh as Andy, Brian, and Steve. They appear in their own show Ghost Hunters, often shown on Scifi, on wednesday nights.
Did you see TAPS / Ghost Hunters on scifi last Wednesday night?
by DarkPremonition June 4, 2006
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